Scientists have created an AI blood test that predicts the development of diseases

Scientists have created an AI blood test that predicts the development of diseases


Chinese scientists from Fudan University have created a blood test that, using artificial intelligence, predicts the risk of developing diseases 15 years before the first symptoms appear.

It is this discovery that will make early diagnosis more accessible to people, because the blood test itself is low-cost.

A team of scientists has created the world’s first map of the “Human Health and Disease Proteome” by analyzing blood samples from more than 50,000 people over 14 years. Thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms, they identified biomarkers in plasma that signal the risk of developing various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer’s disease.

Scientists have created an AI blood test that predicts the development of diseases 1

At the first stage of the study, about 1,500 proteins in blood plasma were analyzed. This allowed the identification of 11 proteins that indicate the risk of dementia. Further analysis of about 3,000 proteins and the use of artificial intelligence technology allowed the system to predict the risk of hundreds of diseases more than 15 years before they occur.

According to Yu Jingtai, deputy director of the Institute of Research at Fudan University and the Department of Neurology at Huashan Hospital, the team is working on creating a rapid test kit. It will work in the same way as a test for measuring blood sugar levels. To be continued…

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