How long do hamsters live?

How long do hamsters live?


On average, hamsters live from 1.5 to 3 years, but their lifespan depends on their breed, living conditions, and health. Some species, like Syrian hamsters, can live up to 3-4 years, while dwarf hamsters live around 2 years.

What factors affect a hamster’s lifespan?

1. Hamster breed

Different breeds have different lifespans:

  • Syrian hamster – 2–4 years, the largest and longest-living among domestic hamsters.
  • Djungarian hamster – 1.5–3 years.
  • Roborovski hamster – 3–3.5 years, the smallest and most active.
  • Campbell and Chinese hamsters – 2–3 years.

2. Living conditions

Hamsters live longer with proper care, which includes:

  • Quality diet – fresh vegetables, grains, and protein-rich foods.
  • Clean and spacious cage – a dirty environment leads to diseases.
  • Physical activity – a wheel and tunnels help maintain their health.
  • Stress-free environment – hamsters are sensitive to noise and sudden changes in their surroundings.

3. Genetics and health

Some hamsters are prone to diseases such as tumors, diabetes, and obesity. Regular veterinary check-ups and a proper diet help extend their lifespan.

Interesting facts about hamsters

  • The oldest hamster lived for 7 years – this record was registered in the UK.
  • Hamsters remember their routes – they are excellent at navigating their habitat.
  • They can hibernate – if the temperature is too low, hamsters temporarily freeze.
  • Hamsters can recognize their owner by voice and smell – but their eyesight is weak.
  • Their teeth grow throughout their life – so they need hard objects to help wear down their teeth.

Hamsters live, on average, 1.5 to 3 years, but with good care, they can live up to 4 years. Their longevity depends on the breed, living conditions, and health. These small, fluffy creatures make interesting and amusing pets, requiring care and attention.

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