How long to cook rice?

How long to cook rice?


Rice is one of the most popular side dishes in the world. However, its preparation requires precision and knowledge of the characteristics of each variety. That is why it is very important to know how long to cook rice after boiling so that it comes out perfect. We at joy-pup tell you about it.

How long to cook rice, depending on the cooking method

There are quite a few methods of cooking it. Therefore, when choosing a saucepan, multicooker or even a microwave, you need to consider how much time you will spend on the dish.

  • In a saucepan, long-grain rice is cooked for 15-20 minutes, round-grain – 15-18 minutes, basmati – 12-15 minutes. It is important to rinse the cereal until the water is clear, add water in a ratio of 1:2, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat without lifting the lid.
  • In the microwave, the average cooking time for white rice is 15 minutes, for brown rice – 35 minutes. It is important to use deep dishes and a water to rice ratio of 2:1.
  • In a multicooker, the cooking time for rice is determined by the selected mode. Basically, a side dish of white rice can be prepared in 20 minutes, and brown rice will require a little more time – about 40 minutes.
  • In bags, rice is cooked for an average of 15-20 minutes, depending on the variety.

How long to cook rice for different dishes

Depending on what dish you are preparing, the cereal is selected. In addition, very often it should be slightly undercooked. That is why you should take this fact into account.

  • For sushi, rice is cooked for about 15 minutes, sticky round grain is suitable.
  • For pilaf, cook rice for 15-20 minutes, choose crumbly varieties, such as steamed rice or devzira.
  • For cabbage rolls, cook rice for no more than 8-10 minutes, as it should remain slightly undercooked.
  • For soup, cook rice for 10-12 minutes so that it does not boil over and retains its texture.
  • Crumbly rice is cooked for 15-20 minutes with a water ratio of 1:1.5.

How long to cook 1 cup of rice?

One cup of traditional white rice in a saucepan cooks for about 15-20 minutes, in a slow cooker – 20 minutes, in a microwave – 20 minutes.

How long to cook rice depending on the variety

Of course, the cooking time is also determined by the rice variety. After all, some boil faster, others – slower.

  • White polished rice cooks for only 15-20 minutes, ideal for side dishes and porridges. Basmati takes 12-15 minutes to cook.
  • Jasmine takes only 10-12 minutes.
  • Brown rice takes 30-40 minutes to cook.
  • Red and wild rice takes 40-50 minutes to cook.

How do you know when rice is ready?

If you want it to be crumbly, leave the rice under the lid for 10 minutes after cooking. Perfectly cooked rice absorbs all the water, its grains are soft but retain their shape. It is easy to knead with your fingers, but does not turn into mush. The taste is neutral, without a raw aftertaste.

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