How to tell if a cat has chosen you as its owner

How to tell if a cat has chosen you as its owner


If a cat has chosen you as its owner, it will show certain signs of affection. It may often stay nearby, purr, rub against you, or bring you “gifts” in the form of toys (or, unfortunately, prey). The cat may also follow you around the house, sleep next to you, or even sit on your lap. The most reliable sign is trust: the cat will allow you to pet its belly, which is the most vulnerable spot.

Obedience or Independence?

Is it really possible for a cat to listen to a human?

Unlike dogs, cats do not obey their owner’s commands in the same manner. They are more focused on their own desires and needs. However, cats remember routines, respond to their owner’s voice, and can be trained if they see some benefit in it. For example, if they know that when called, food or affection awaits them, they may come. But if a cat doesn’t want to do something, no command will make it act.

Who Trains Whom?

Some researchers believe that it is not humans who train cats, but cats who train humans. For instance, if a cat realizes that a certain sound or behavior from the owner leads to the desired result (for example, the human opens the door or gives a treat), it will start repeating this ritual, teaching the owner to react in the right way.

Interesting Facts about Choosing an Owner

  • Cats rely on scent and behavior. They choose a person who does not disturb them, respects their boundaries, and takes care of them.
  • Cats may prefer certain types of people. Sometimes it’s calm, quiet individuals who are not too insistent with affection.
  • If a cat brings you its toy or even prey, it cares about you. This is a sign of deep affection.
  • Cats remember your routine. If you wake up at the same time every day, the cat quickly adjusts to this schedule.
  • Some cats choose their owner from among several people in the family. It’s not always the one who feeds them, but rather the one they feel closer to spiritually.

If a cat has chosen you as its person, it will show you trust, seek your attention, and follow you around. However, cats remain independent and only do what they deem necessary. They may seem disobedient, but in reality, they simply live by their own rules. And this is their special magic.

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