Why is green tea considered beneficial?

Why is green tea considered beneficial?


It seems that everyone has heard about green tea. It’s called the source of youth, a weight loss beverage, and even the elixir of longevity. What’s the secret to its popularity? Why do millions of people around the world start their morning not with coffee but with a cup of aromatic green tea? At joy-pup, we propose to explore why green tea is considered beneficial and whether it’s worth drinking every day.

What are the benefits of green tea?

It’s believed to normalize blood pressure, positively affect the intestines, gallbladder, skin, and liver. Let’s examine its features.

Why is green tea beneficial for women?

It’s rich in antioxidants that slow aging, help the skin remain firm and fresh. Adding to this its mild stimulating effect, improvement of metabolism, and immune support, it becomes clear why the tea is so popular among those who take care of themselves. Moreover, it helps control weight.

Why is green tea beneficial for men?

It supports the heart and blood vessels, helps keep cholesterol levels under control, improves concentration and endurance. Thanks to the caffeine content—but in moderate amounts—the tea invigorates without overloading the nervous system. Scientists also confirm: regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of developing prostate diseases.

What does green tea do for the body?

The list is impressive. If you drink green tea regularly and without fanaticism, your body thanks you as follows:

  • immunity becomes stronger;
  • toxins are eliminated faster;
  • liver and kidney function improves;
  • blood sugar levels normalize;
  • digestion works “like clockwork”;
  • the condition of skin and hair improves;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the brain stays toned longer.

What are the harms of green tea?

Despite all its beneficial properties, such a beverage can have negative sides:

  • due to caffeine, it can cause insomnia if consumed in the evening;
  • in large quantities, it hinders iron absorption;
  • irritates the stomach in cases of gastritis and ulcers;
  • washes out calcium with excessive consumption.

If you have low blood pressure, green tea can increase weakness, as it slightly dilates blood vessels.

What is green tea good for?

This beverage positively affects the entire body. In particular, its advantages include:

  • Blood pressure – helps normalize it.
  • Digestion and intestines – accelerates metabolism, improves microflora.
  • Gallbladder and liver – promotes toxin elimination, supports liver function.
  • Skin – antioxidants fight inflammation, improve complexion.
  • Heart and blood vessels – lowers cholesterol, strengthens vessel walls.
  • Brain – improves concentration, reduces the risk of age-related changes.

Scientifically proven benefits of green tea

Many scientists agree that this beverage has numerous positive characteristics. It has been proven that:

  • catechins in tea reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • regular consumption helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes;
  • antioxidants slow cell aging and reduce the risk of oncology;
  • brain function, memory, and attention improve.

Which green tea is the most beneficial?

Not all green teas are the same. If you want maximum benefit, pay attention to their quality and type:

  • Matcha – Japanese powdered tea rich in antioxidants.
  • Sencha – classic Japanese green tea, ideal for daily consumption.
  • Longjing (Dragon Well) – high-quality Chinese tea with a mild taste and valuable composition.

The less processed the tea, the better it retains beneficial substances. Of course, you can also choose green tea in bags, but brewed leaves have much more properties.

Who should drink green tea?

It should be included in the diet of those who:

  • monitor their weight;
  • want to support heart and blood vessel function;
  • care about skin and appearance;
  • are prone to stress and need a mild tonic effect;
  • strive to maintain liver and digestive health;
  • want to lower sugar or cholesterol levels.

Who should not drink green tea?

It should be consumed in minimal amounts in the following cases:

  • with low blood pressure;
  • with gastritis, ulcers;
  • people with anemia (due to its effect on iron absorption);
  • with high sensitivity to caffeine;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women in large quantities;
  • children.

Can you drink green tea every day?

It’s believed that 2-3 cups a day is the optimal dose to get all the benefits without overloading the body. It’s better not to drink tea on an empty stomach and before bedtime to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Green tea is a beverage that can become a great habit. The main thing is to listen to your body and maintain balance. Then it will truly work for your health, not against it.

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