15 Surprising Cat Facts + Mood Cat Photo Collection

15 Surprising Cat Facts + Mood Cat Photo Collection


Unlike us humans, cats are not drawn to sweets. And not because they follow the figure, but because they do not distinguish this taste.

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Remember “… red, red, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel …”. The sun marked red people with freckles. Did you know that ginger cats can also have freckles on their eyelids and around their mouths.

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The fact that cats have the ability to heal a person has been heard by many. Did you know that sometimes they can heal themselves by purring. The purring of a domestic cat has a frequency of 25 to 150 hertz. This range is the frequency at which muscles and bones grow and repair best.

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Cats meow to talk to us, not to each other. The only reason they meow to communicate with other felines is when the kitten signals to the mother cat.

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While many of us are moved when a cat drinks milk from a saucer, studies show that cats are actually lactose intolerant and should avoid it entirely.

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The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) recognizes 44 breeds.

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A cat’s sense of smell is 14 times better than a human’s. Relying on smells, cats identify both people and objects.

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Do cats sweat? Even if you never see it, these animals are born with an efficient cooling system. We have sweat glands located throughout the body, but in a cat only in certain places: on the paws, lips, chin and on the skin in the anus.

Stress can also make a cat sweat. You may have observed at the veterinary clinic that a frightened cat often leaves wet paw prints on the examination table.

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In ancient Egypt, if a cat died, the owner had to shave off his eyebrows. It was such a mourning ritual. The owner mourned until his eyebrows grew back.

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In ancient Egypt, there was a special law that forbade the killing of cats. Their murder was considered a civil crime, and the punishment could even be the death penalty.

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We do not know how proven this assumption is, but some believe that cats have a lower social IQ than dogs. But on the other hand, cats are able to solve more complex cognitive problems, if, of course, they want to. The cognitive system is a system of knowledge based on character, education, observation, reflection on the world around. In a word – a cat is a wise creature!

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If your cat does not bury his feces, look at this as a sign of aggression on his part. Thus, she hints that she is not afraid of you! Again, this is theory.

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Cats can drink sea water! Their kidneys are able to filter salt from water. But we cannot do this.

Another hypothesis: cats have short-term and long-term memory. This means that they can remember some non-global events and moments for up to 16 hours (for a short time). But, as a rule, cats are more selective in comparison with dogs. That is, they remember only what is beneficial to them.

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