How dogs see our world: colors

How dogs see our world: colors


The eyesight of dogs is not as sharp as that of humans. They see the surrounding objects blurry, which resembles the vision of a nearsighted person. The thing is that the resolution of the image that falls on the retina of the dog’s eye is less than that of a person. There are differences in color perception – a person has three types of color receptors, and a dog has two. Dogs see the world in shades of yellow and blue, not red and green.

How dogs see our world: colors 1

If you saw a dog crossing the road at a green traffic light, then it simply copied the behavior of people.

Red is more likely to be gray in the perception of dogs, and green is more likely to be a faded yellow. To imagine a palette of doggy colors, try looking at the world at dusk.

How dogs see our world: colors 2

But in the dark, dogs navigate much better than humans. There are more sensitive photoreceptors on their retina than on the human retina. These receptors are able to register even a single photon.

How dogs see our world: colors 3

Another reason is the fundus of the eye, which in dogs, as well as in cats and other animals, is covered with tapetum. This is a layer of guanine crystals with an admixture of pigments, which works like a mirror and absorbs any light from the environment.

It is because of the tapetum that animals have eyes that sparkle in the dark and “shine” well in photographs.

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