They sympathize with you in your sadness, but do not rejoice in your joy. There are people who cannot accept the fact that another has achieved something in life. Deep down, they would like to be in their friend’s place, and they will definitely be angry when they find out that he bought a new car or went on a trip abroad. In fact, when you give them the good news of your success, the thought of comparison and competition immediately comes to mind. Find out on Joy-pup which of the signs of the zodiac deep down envy the success and material wealth of other people.

Aries always wants to be number one, doesn’t accept defeat, and always works competitively until they get what they want. He will be jealous of his friend’s good car, a better job than his, or even a trip that someone else took while he was at home. Aries is very competitive by nature, so if you tell him about your successes and joys, he will be 100% jealous of you. Aries jealousy is always expressed through rivalry.

Scorpio will be jealous of your success, but you will not guess about it. This sign never reveals its thoughts, and it will be very difficult for you to understand what he is thinking. So you can’t know if he’s actually rejoicing in your joy and success, or if deep down he’s jealous and looks askance at you. The main sources of his jealousy are money and love. Scorpio will be jealous of his friend, who has a better financial situation or who is more fortunate in love affairs.

Sagittarius will be full of envy if someone manages to win a goal that he cannot achieve. This sign may not be very jealous in their feelings, but they are the type of people who will be very jealous of material goods: a watch, a car, a mobile phone, even a new pair of stylish sneakers. And he will certainly envy those who have enough finances to travel and have fun often, while he himself does not have such an opportunity.
Also Read: Zodiac Signs That Never Compromise.

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