Cancer Child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign

Cancer Child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign


Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. A child born under this sign is very sensitive, creative, with a vivid imagination. They are vulnerable and in great need of security, they have a hard time with criticism and perceive it very badly.

Character traits of the Cancer child

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Cancerians look like introverts from the outside, but in fact they are kind and very sympathetic people. They need a lot of love, understanding and attention. Children born under the Cancer zodiac sign are very gifted, understand others very well and want everyone around them to feel good. Cancer adults live by the feelings of others and are very good listeners. You can always come to them for help and cry in the vest.

Cancer is a water sign. Typical for her are people controlled by their emotions. They have a great influence on the Moon, which symbolizes intuition, understanding and intimacy. They can often be perceived as harsh on the outside, but are usually shown to be soft on the inside. In childhood, they protect other children, and later in life they take on the role of protector and guardian.

Cancer Child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign 2

The Cancer child needs a lot of love and emotional security. Parents are especially important to them. Failure to comply with this requirement may have serious consequences. A child born under the sign of Cancer may behave a little like an adult already in childhood.

Cancer babies love role-playing games in which they get an outlet for their rich imagination. Caring role-playing games of the type: mom-dad-child are preferred. Soft toys and dolls are often among the favorite toys. Cancers also love to show their creativity, compose, draw, sculpt. They are very artistic and creative.

Negative Traits of a Cancer Child

Cancer Child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign 3

Cancers can sometimes be overly sensitive and have quite low self-esteem. Easily offended if what is said can be interpreted negatively. They quickly get into fights with their friends, often get hurt and cry if they feel they are being treated unfairly. At this time, they can afford to take over, which is manifested in aggressive behavior. In this state, they can often say things they don’t really mean, but rarely apologize. It also happens that Cancers, like claws, hold on to something that they perceive as property. It can be an idea, a thing or a person.

Professions suitable for Cancers

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Cancers are suitable for care and order professions, for example, a nurse, a policeman, a teacher, and the like. They can also be found in conservative professions associated with the preservation of antiquities, such as a museum worker, archivist or archaeologist. The imagination and creativity of Cancer can be useful in choosing a profession. Therefore, among them there are often writers, artists, designers.

Advice for Cancer Parents

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Cancer parents need a lot of patience – children love quiet games and peace around them. Get a pet for the child as he enjoys taking care of it. You must give your child a lot of love and a lot of hugs. They need a safe home where they can have privacy and feel comfortable. They appreciate the opportunity to talk about their feelings, so you, as a parent, should encourage this. Certain times for eating and sleeping are favorable for little Cancers. If you hire a nanny, there should be someone close to the child.

See also: characteristics of a child born under the sign of Gemini.

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