Find out your lucky color according to your zodiac sign

Find out your lucky color according to your zodiac sign


In astrology, each member of the zodiac circle has a color that brings him the most luck. It opens the streams of well-being and harmony. Try to use your shade often in the wardrobe, design, accessories or household items that you use so that it is always with you. The right color promises good luck in business and attracts happy coincidences. Read on Joy-pup which color corresponds to your astrological sign.

Find out your lucky color according to your zodiac sign 1

Aries are impulsive by nature and red, which usually symbolizes passion, suits them best. If you wear this shade throughout the day, you will feel more in tune with your emotions.

For representatives of the sign Taurus, astrology takes into account the earthly temperament of the sign. Naturally, the color that symbolizes nature is their lucky talisman. Green symbolizes hope and struggle and gives Taurus energy protection.

For the sign of Gemini, which is characterized by a dual nature, the appropriate color would be a combination of two colors – black and white, which give a gray tint. To balance opposites and restore harmony, keep a gray item in a conspicuous place – a piece of furniture, for example.

Find out your lucky color according to your zodiac sign 2

Sensitive Cancers are often referred to by astrology experts as the most decent and honest signs of the zodiac. Therefore, the color that brings them good luck symbolizes purity – white.

The self-confident Leo is a star in any company and the proud king of the jungle. He belongs to the element of fire and shines among us. Thus, Leo’s lucky color will be orange.

The main quality noted by astrologers in Virgo is wisdom, which is symbolized by blue. A soothing and soft shade that will allow this sign to keep its head on its shoulders.

For the soft nature of Libra, pink is ideal. Buy an accessory or clothing in this delicate shade, or design a bedroom in matching colors for a peaceful spirit.

Scorpio is the most intense of all the zodiacs. Astrologers speak of him as a special representative of the zodiac circle – charming and mysterious, and at the same time bold and stubborn. Therefore, black is a lucky color for a Scorpio.

Find out your lucky color according to your zodiac sign 3

People born in Sagittarius will bring good luck yellow. This is a very sociable sign, open and responsible. Astrologers advise making yourself a yellow talisman and wearing it all the time in your purse to attract good luck.

Capricorn is an earth sign. He’s strong on his feet and known for his directness, so brown would be lucky for this astrological sign.

Intense purple is the original color associated with this sign. Thus, lavender, lilac, amethyst, lilac and other shades of purple will bring good luck to Aquarians in all their endeavors.

Pisces are sensitive, determined and emotional natures. The softness of turquoise, which can really be very intense, suits them perfectly. It is she who will bring them well-being and drive away negative energies from everyday life.

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