Full moon in December 2022 – when the Cold Moon rises

Full moon in December 2022 – when the Cold Moon rises


The phases of the moon are among the most fascinating astronomical phenomena that we can observe with the naked eye. In December, we are waiting for the last Full Moon this year 2022, which has another name – the Cold Moon. Read on Joy-pup when the December Full Moon comes – date and exact time.

When is the Full Moon in December 2022?

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The full moon will occur on December 8, 2022, 07:10 am in the zodiac constellation Gemini. It will be the 15th lunar day, moonrise will come at 15:32 and sunset at 09:25. The Moon in Gemini is a time to reflect on something. Today is a rather dangerous day in terms of making important decisions. There will be a lot of doubt and confusion that will prevent you from making the right choice.

In different cultures, this phenomenon was given its own name, which was associated with weather, natural or agricultural features. Alternative names for the December Full Moon: Snow Moon, Solstice Moon, Frost Moon, Long Night Moon, Moon before Yule, Tree Crack Moon.

Full moon in December 2022: how it will affect our lives

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On the Full Moon, you need to rethink your priorities, now is not the time for new beginnings. We have to go back in time and look at everything that happened before. At some point, doubts may envelop, but you need to be patient and work on yourself. Avoid conflicts with the environment and loved ones, there will be many trials ahead.

At some point, we may find ourselves at a crossroads in life and wonder which way to go. It is worth considering where we went wrong and where we need to work and invest energy. Pay attention to communication with others and to all the information that comes to you. Now is not the best time to deal with paperwork and legal problems.

On December 8, Mars forms a bad aspect with Neptune, so be especially careful these days. Increased fears and anxieties are possible. Be especially vigilant about the road, travel, communication and your mental and physical state. All relationships with relatives and your environment can be called into question. To the greatest extent, the influence of the Full Moon in December 2022 can be felt by representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Gemini.

10 Affirmations for the Full Moon in Gemini

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To make the most of the powerful energy of the full moon, use affirmations. Practice positive affirmations by saying the following phrases:

  1. My life is in perfect balance.
  2. I myself choose to be who I want to be and this encourages me to move forward.
  3. The universe gives me the best.
  4. Everything I give out comes back to me double.
  5. I have the knowledge to make smart decisions.
  6. I forgive and release my past, opening the door to the future.
  7. I meet all deadlines and everything happens to me at the right time.
  8. I get rid of everything that bothers me.
  9. My standard of living is rising.
  10. I am successful, free and my income is increasing.
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