Mercury retrograde 2022: how to survive it and what not to do during this period

Mercury retrograde 2022: how to survive it and what not to do during this period


Every year, the planet Mercury goes into retrograde motion at different times, in different signs, with different approaches and goals. Mercury will retrograde four times in 2022. It is very important to stop being afraid of this period and know how to use it in the best possible way.

Can’t make important decisions

Mercury retrograde 2022: how to survive it and what not to do during this period 1

In astrology, Mercury governs communication, technology, and thought, so failure and confusion in these areas is often seen during this period. As the planet of communication and thought, during Mercury retrograde it is important to be informed and aware more than ever. Review and rethink everything in your life, now is not the time to make important decisions, but the time of analysis.

Business confusion

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Since the planet of communication and technology is in retrograde motion, communication errors and confusion in various areas of our lives are normal. To avoid stress and headaches, you should check everything twice. For example, if you have a trip ahead of you, check your ticket availability, departure time, or view your vehicle. Everything should be checked more than once, this is normal during Mercury retrograde so that there are no failures or delays.

Take care of your equipment

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During Mercury retrograde, our electronics don’t work as expected, so be careful with anything technology related. Always have backup copies of important files, photos, documents. Keep the contacts of the master at hand in case your equipment fails or stops working out of the blue.

Avoid big purchases

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It is better not to make especially large purchases. When Mercury goes retrograde, many products, especially electronics, tend to come with factory defects, which can cause damage after purchase. If you still purchased something, then check everything related to the purchase more than once.

Deterioration in communication

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Mercury is the planet of communication and ideas, and we can expect some hiccups and misunderstandings in conversations and communication with those around us. So find ways to improve your communication, leave nothing between the lines, and avoid misunderstandings.

Know yourself

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During the period of retrograde, when communication is limited, it is best to look inside and immerse yourself in self-discovery and reflection. Avoid arguments and stress with other people. Use the time of Mercury retrograde to meditate and reflect, looking into your past, but always thinking about the future. Use this period to ask yourself what you expect from the year ahead and what you should take with you and what you should leave behind in 2022.

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