Myths and superstitions of the peoples of the world: Türkiye and Egypt

Myths and superstitions of the peoples of the world: Türkiye and Egypt


Turkey is one of the most popular travel destinations for many people, so getting to know the local customs and traditions can be quite rewarding for travelers.

There are a number of interesting superstitions and rituals in Turkish culture. For example, it is not customary to pass sharp objects such as knives, scissors or forks from hand to hand. It is believed that this can cause conflict between people. Instead, such items are placed on a table or other surface before being passed. It is also customary in Turkish families to eat slowly, as hasty consumption of food is considered disrespectful to the owner and a violation of the rules of the Koran. Guests are allowed to start the meal only after the permission of the owner of the house.

Myths and superstitions of the peoples of the world: Türkiye and Egypt 1

Among Turkish signs, there are also unusual ones that cause surprise and admiration. For example, women get rid of headaches by sweeping the floor of the mosque with their scarves. Turkish people also believe that encountering a lizard brings extraordinary good luck. It is important not to praise children too much so as not to jinx them.

Egypt, another popular tourist destination, also has its own local superstitions and customs. In particular, the Egyptians believe that one cannot open and close scissors without cutting something, and leaving the scissors open is considered even worse. However, putting scissors under the pillow before going to bed can protect a person from nightmares.

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Perhaps the most important part of this enriching experience is respect for local beliefs, no matter how different they may be from one’s own. For example, in Turkey, encountering a lizard is considered a sign of good luck, while in other cultures, lizards may be associated with other beliefs or superstitions.

At the same time, in Egypt, where scissors have a special meaning in superstition, their use and storage is subject to certain rules. It is believed that they can affect the quality of a person’s sleep and protect them from nightmares when placed under the pillow before bed.

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Knowing these myths, superstitions and traditions can help travelers better understand and respect the culture of the country they are visiting. The experience of being in a foreign country becomes more enriching when we study and appreciate the customs and beliefs of the local population. Such an understanding helps to reduce cultural barriers and harmoniously fit into public life, respecting and considering local customs and rituals.

To be continued…

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