Ретроградный Меркурий с 23 августа – 15 сентября 2023: чего ждать знакам зодиака

Ретроградный Меркурий с 23 августа – 15 сентября 2023: чего ждать знакам зодиака


The day the Sun enters Virgo, Mercury goes retrograde. This period will begin on August 23 and will last until September 15, 2023. This time it will have a strong influence on all representatives of the zodiac circle. For many, this will bring a desire to clear things up, but there can be blockages, delays, and a drop in energy. Since Mercury governs communication, movement, traffic, be careful in these areas. Be careful when concluding contracts, sending messages, so as not to make mistakes or misinterpret them. Pay attention to health, especially those who have chronic problems with it. Do not over-analyze and make hasty decisions.

Ретроградный Меркурий с 23 августа – 15 сентября 2023: чего ждать знакам зодиака 1


Pay attention to decisions related to your daily life and work.


Consider whether now is the right time to make important emotional decisions. For those who have children, there may be changes in their behavior and desires.


During Mercury retrograde, focus on home and family. Do not decide anything serious now in this area.


Now is a good time when you can solve everything that worries and burdens you, and gain new knowledge. Plan short trips and more traffic. Be careful when making decisions.


Be careful with money. It is possible to return outstanding debts, as well as new sources of income.


It’s time to analyze many areas of your life before making an important decision. This Mercury is all about you, so now is the perfect time to put things in order. Start implementing your plans from September 18th.


Your subconscious can sometimes influence you negatively. Try to maintain a positive mood, even if there are moments of melancholy and lack of sleep.


Work on making plans, but think carefully. Perhaps the appearance of old friends and the exchange of interesting ideas.


When Mercury turns retrograde, you will have the possibility of an offer related to your business. Return to the old state of affairs or contemplate change.


This is a great time for reflection as you can go on a journey that will rest your mind.


Aquarians are advised to use a little caution in their movements. Avoid conflict as much as possible. Beware of injuries and fractures.


During this period, you can travel to places where you have been before. Try to do whatever you like.

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