Total lunar eclipse in November – how will it affect the signs of the zodiac

Total lunar eclipse in November – how will it affect the signs of the zodiac


On November 8, 2022, a unique astronomical event will occur – a total lunar eclipse that occurs every few years. It coincides with the Full Moon in Taurus in conjunction with Uranus, so you can witness completely unexpected events. We will become aware of some obsessions, unhealthy attachments, and misguided financial strategies. Read on how a lunar eclipse will affect all zodiac signs.


The first part of the month promises to be transformative for you both financially and in terms of relationships. The total lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 will force you to rethink your value system, discover new and flexible ways to manage your resources, and carefully consider the value of commitment in a relationship. New perspectives, more spontaneity await you from the second half of the month.


A total lunar eclipse in your sign will help you understand which relationships or collaborations are right for you and which ones need to end. In the second half of the month, the depth and analysis you will demonstrate will help open up new and profitable financial opportunities.


You start the month deeply focused on the material and practical side of life, as well as improving efficiency at work. However, a total lunar eclipse brings unpredictable changes, forcing you to change your position in the face of any situation that creates a lot of pressure in your life.


The Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 will confront you with the reality of situations or relationships that you need to let go. From the second half of the month you will become more practical in your approach, striving to organize your life as openly as possible.


Your physical and emotional stability, as well as the safety of your family, are the focus in November. This can lead to real changes in the space you live in. A total lunar eclipse in Taurus will bring out any person, environment or relationship that threatens your stability, forcing you to change your position.


The first half of the month for Virgos will be dynamic, both physically and intellectually. Your ideas and the way you express them can have a strong motivational vibe. However, a total eclipse of the Moon in Taurus will cause real controversy, as not everyone agrees with your personal truth. This will force you to distance yourself from those people who put pressure on you or limit you in some way.


You begin the month by investing your resources in activities or relationships that increase your joy and self-esteem. A total lunar eclipse will test the stability of romantic or professional commitments in the face of radical differences of opinion. It’s forcing you to choose what you think you truly deserve.


The beginning of the month promises to be full of dynamism and energy. You are determined to reveal your individuality and potential, regardless of your goals. However, the lunar eclipse on November 8 will confront you with unexpected emotional problems, calling into question the stability of projects and relationships. In the second half of the month, the atmosphere will gradually relax.


In the first half of the month, the process of internal introspection will make you withdrawn and nostalgic for something. You often think about past relationships or events from which the wounds have not yet healed. Lunar eclipse making you more aware of your emotional and spiritual needs so that you prepare for new beginnings.


Friendships and relationships with powerful people will be of paramount importance to you during this month. However, a lunar eclipse in Taurus can call into question the effectiveness of some relationships, forcing you to refocus on certain people. In the second half of the month, you need to decide what you really need in life.


Your aspirations and ambitions are very important to you in the first half of the month. You have a chance to stand out and increase your influence and authority. A lunar eclipse in Taurus can bring unexpected changes to your home, family, or emotional situation, forcing you to make an important decision.


Any physical or intellectual method of broadening one’s horizons – a journey or a new philosophy of life – will be the focus of your attention at the beginning of the month. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 encourages you to become more spontaneous and free-thinking, more courageous in pushing boundaries. But this can touch on sensitive and even painful topics.

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