Total lunar eclipse November 8, 2022: where to watch

Total lunar eclipse November 8, 2022: where to watch


The solar eclipse ended the month of October, and November promises to be even more eventful. Two meteor showers are expected – Taurids and Leonids and another eclipse, this time lunar. Find out at when a total lunar eclipse will take place and where you can see this phenomenon.

When is the lunar eclipse in November?

Total lunar eclipse November 8, 2022: where to watch 1

The lunar eclipse will occur on November 8, 2022 and coincide with the Beaver Full Moon. It will be complete, i.e. the entire moon will be covered by the shadow of the earth. A total lunar eclipse is a unique event that occurs every few years. The next such astronomical event will be in 2025 – March 14 and September 7. This is the second and last lunar eclipse of 2022. The phenomenon can best be seen in North America, East Asia and Oceania. It will be quite long and last about 5 hours.

What is a lunar eclipse?

The moon does not have its own light, but reflects sunlight. A lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Earth’s shadow partially or completely blocks sunlight, preventing the Moon from being illuminated by it. At this time, our planet is between the Moon and the Sun. There are three types of lunar eclipse: total, partial, penumbral.

Total lunar eclipse November 8, 2022: where to watch 2

The sun is a vast source of energy, and when illuminated by the Earth, it gives an unlit area that forms a shadow. In a total eclipse, the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow and is completely covered by it. In this case, the Moon appears red at the apex of the eclipse.

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During a penumbral eclipse, the Moon is in the outer and weakest shadow of our planet. A penumbral lunar eclipse does not obscure the Moon, it simply reduces its brightness, making it less illuminated.

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In a partial eclipse, only part of the moon is covered in shadow.

Where to watch a total lunar eclipse?

Although not everyone will be able to see the lunar eclipse, various broadcasts will show it online if the weather conditions are favorable. One of them, conducted by the Lowell Observatory (USA), should begin on November 8.

How will a lunar eclipse affect a person?

Lunar eclipses are important events not only from an astronomical, but also from an astrological point of view. Astrologers state that the lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022 generates energy of transformation and renewal, but not entirely favorable. A flow of destructive energy is possible, so you should control yourself, be calm and restrained.

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Spiritually, the lunar eclipse carries the message of change and evolution. They usually come to close some doors and open others. Despite the fact that transformations take us by surprise, they benefit us and give us the necessary impetus to action.

The lunar eclipse will remove the blinders from our eyes, and we will be able to see people in a different light. You may or may not like what you see, but it takes courage to know how to deal with reality. This phenomenon gives us the courage to give up what no longer serves us – friendships, relationships, work, feelings, material goods. There will be a moment of liberation of the soul.

The second lunar eclipse of 2022 will take place on November 8, when the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is closely associated with the energy of security, both financial and emotional. However, since the Moon rules our emotions, a lunar eclipse in Taurus will spoil our sense of security a bit. It may happen that you feel insecure in the face of something or someone you used to trust. On the same day, the Sun will be in Scorpio, which encourages us to look inside ourselves and accept our weaknesses, which is unacceptable for the Taurus concept of stability. All this conflict can bring discord and some remorse into your life.

Read also: When is the New Moon in November 2022?

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