Venus retrograde 2023: when it starts, what to expect for all zodiac signs

Venus retrograde 2023: when it starts, what to expect for all zodiac signs


Venus retrograde is a rare astrological occurrence that will have a profound effect on your relationships, emotions, and sense of self. We at Joy-pup will look at what Venus retrograde is, how it affects us, and what we can do to manage this powerful energy.

Venus retrograde 2023: when it starts, what to expect for all zodiac signs 1

When will Venus go retrograde in 2023?

The retrograde of the planet Venus happens about once every 2 years and lasts about forty days. When it goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backwards across the sky, an optical illusion caused by its orbit around the Sun. It is the planet of money, romance, pleasure, self-respect and core values, symbolizing how we give and receive love.

Venus goes retrograde on July 22, 2023 exactly at 28 degrees Leo and will remain in this status until September 3, 2023 at 12 degrees Leo. This fixed fire sign draws its strength from creativity and self-expression because it simply wants to be seen and adored. So this retrograde can bring out the insecurities that have long prevented you from truly opening up to someone or sharing your artistic prowess with the world.

During the period of retrograde, the energy of Venus is turned inward, which means that we may experience problems in our relationships, our finances, and our self-esteem. This is the time when old wounds can resurface and unresolved issues can come to the surface. But it is also a time of deep healing and transformation as we face our selves and learn to love ourselves more deeply.

What can we expect from Venus retrograde?

Venus retrograde 2023: when it starts, what to expect for all zodiac signs 2

Venus is the planet of love, pleasure and beauty. During its retrograde movement, it is not recommended to make radical changes to your appearance.

Retrograde planets always bring to life what is not yet decided. And since Venus is the planet of love, you can expect former partners and old friends to reappear in your life to whom you can give a second chance. However, it can also lead to an unfinished relationship that picks up where it left off.

Venus is also the planet of money, so our finances can be affected at this time. We may encounter unexpected expenses or rethink our spending habits.

Venus retrograde is not usually considered a good time to start a new relationship, change the look or redesign your space. In addition, Venus retrograde in Leo can lead to a revision of our creativity or passion, a deeper understanding of our heart’s desires, a revision of relationships in our lives, ending relationships, healing of the heart.

On August 9, Venus collides with independent and unpredictable Uranus, which can also bring unexpected changes that will shake your sense of self and force you to find a deeper source of self-confidence and self-sufficiency. And as Venus trines Chiron in Aries on August 14, you have the opportunity to make bold decisions that will strengthen your self-love.

What to expect from Venus retrograde?

Venus retrograde 2023: when it starts, what to expect for all zodiac signs 3

While Venus retrograde can be a difficult time, there are things we can do to manage this energy and make the most of it.


Take the time to think about your relationships, your finances, and how you feel about yourself. What patterns do you see? What old wounds are resurfacing? Use this time to dive inward and explore these questions in more depth.


If you are experiencing relationship difficulties, it is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. This is a time for healing and growth, and communication is key.


Self-care is always important, but is especially important during Venus retrograde. Make sure you take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Accept change

Venus retrograde is a time of transformation, so be open to change and seize the opportunities for growth that come your way.

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