When is the Full Moon in March 2023: the exact date and time

When is the Full Moon in March 2023: the exact date and time


The full moon is the lunar phase that occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, and its face is completely illuminated. The heavenly body has been used by many different cultures for many years as a time for spiritual pursuits. The full moon can have a special effect on people, cause both positive and negative emotions within a person. Find out on Joy-pup when the Full Moon is coming in March 2023 to be mentally prepared for this period.

Full moon March 2023 – when is it?

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The full moon has been considered a mystical time for many centuries. In many cultures, it was associated with important life events or rituals, symbolizing renewal and fertility. Even today, some people are experiencing the energy of the full moon, resulting in emotional reactivity, heightened creativity, and spiritual awareness. This is a time of powerful transformation and spiritual growth, as well as a closer connection with the energy of Nature. The Full Moon period has been used in astrology, magick and meditation to open up new perspectives and help you gain new life experiences.

The third Full Moon this year will occur on March 7, 2023 in the sign of Virgo. It can be observed in the sky from 14:40 Kyiv time and from 15.40 Moscow time. According to Native American tradition, this Full Moon is called “crow’s”. The March Full Moon will affect the intestines and digestive tract or pancreas. Therefore, during this period, it is desirable to give preference to lighter food.

Alternative names for the March Full Moon

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The Crow Full Moon marks the end of winter, which is always heralded by the cawing of crows. You can also come across the name Worm Full Moon, because in this month the soil begins to thaw and warm up. Then earthworms appear in it and rise to the surface. Due to the fact that the snow melted during the day and froze at night, forming a hard crust on the snowdrifts, it was also called the Icecrust Moon. In areas where maple sap harvest began in the spring, the March Full Moon was given the name Tree Sap Moon. You can also come across the term “Lenten Full Moon”.

What to Do When the Full Moon Comes in March 2023

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The full moon of March 2023 in the sign of Virgo is associated with a sense of security, with order, and with clear relationships and emotions. If you have any problems not solved, it’s time to get to work. Virgo loves order and is patient with things going according to the rules. You have to organize everything that is disordered and maybe even a little chaotic in your life. At the same time, do not try to be meticulous, it is not necessary to do everything perfectly right away. Accept life’s imperfections and focus on planning new goals for the future. When the March Full Moon rules, this is a good time to meet up with friends. And if you want to attract the attention of a person you like, then take a closer look at lunar magic.

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