The full moon in December 2023 will trigger a number of life changes and awaken new desires. At the end of the month there will be an accumulation of cosmic power, so be prepared for emotional outbursts. The Moon will illuminate the uncomfortable aspects of your life and encourage you to get them in order. This means leaving the web of dependencies and choosing a new direction for growth. Find out when the December 2023 Full Moon occurs and how to harness its amazing energy.

When is the Full Moon in December 2023?
The rising of the full moon in December 2023 is a special moment of the entire month. During this time, you will be able to look deep inside yourself and free yourself from negative energy. The full moon will occur on December 27 at 03:34 on the 15th lunar day. The Moon at this moment will be located in the zodiac constellation Cancer. The influence of lunar energy will be felt several days before and after the Full Moon.
The common names for each Full Moon date back to ancient times. This was associated with ancient tribes and their life cycle, which was dictated by nature, animal behavior and the changing seasons. The tribes of North America called it the Cold Moon because of the sharply reduced air temperature and its cold light during the long nights. But it also has alternative names: Long Night Moon, Wolf Moon, Oak Moon, Moon Before Yule, Snow Moon.

How will the Full Moon in Cancer affect us?
The full moon in December 2023 is a time to take stock and listen to your inner voice. If until now you have tried to drown it out and ignored the needs and desires hidden deep down in your soul, it’s time to change all this. Determination and strength come from the Cancer zodiac sign. His hot temperament, speed of action and self-confidence will make you gain courage and decide to take radical but necessary actions.
Now is the best time to reawaken your enthusiasm, gain more self-confidence and look forward to the future with confidence. The energy emanating from an active and conscious Cancer will help with all this. The Water sign of the zodiac knows exactly what he wants and is known for his tenacity.
The energy of the Moon will affect you – you will want to turn everything upside down and establish a new order. You will feel the desire rise within you to give up everything and jump into the unknown.
This phenomenon will reveal your hidden needs and strengthen the belief that you should fight for your happiness. You may close certain doors behind you and never look back. This is a special moment to hear the message that the Universe wants to convey to you. Cancer, as a water sign of the zodiac, goes with the flow, and its only rudder is intuition.
The last Full Moon of the year is the time to start implementing your plans and making your dreams come true. Everything that previously occupied your thoughts now has a chance to manifest itself and transfer into real life. The challenges you face during this time will only strengthen your character.

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