Health and beauty

Why wrinkles appear near the eyes: 5 reasons

Why wrinkles appear near the eyes: 5 reasons

Wrinkles around the eyes can affect our appearance. Their presence indicates signs of aging because this area of ​​skin is thinner and more even than others. In addition...
24 August 2022
Acne and wrinkles: drinks and food that negatively affect the skin of the face

Acne and wrinkles: drinks and food that...

It is not only the wrong facial care habits or the use of unsuitable skin care products that affect the appearance of various skin problems. Eating certain foods can...
23 August 2022
6 beauty tricks to create waterproof makeup

6 beauty tricks to create waterproof makeup

The weather is constantly changing. In the morning we can watch the sun, and in the afternoon it is pouring rain. And in this case, our makeup suffers - the mascara can...
15 August 2022