Health and beauty

модный макияж

Fancy makeup 2021: the main beauty trends

The easiest way for a woman to transform is beautiful and high-quality make-up. Whether it’s natural or barely noticeable during the day or expressive and bright in the...
21 April 2020
стрижки на длинные волосы

Trendy haircuts for long hair 2021

This season, stylists recommend the owners of long curls to be courageous and ready to experiment. Laconic hairstyles are being replaced by brighter and more unusual...
16 April 2020
плоский живот

Getting ready for the summer: 7 effective...

There are lot’s of reasons why the belly grows and why you need to lose weight. We can easily get a couple of extra pounds after the New Year holidays and then another...
20 February 2020