How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos

How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos


When collecting an Easter basket, we pay great attention to the colors in it. They can be different – in the same color, with paintings, patterns. And you can decorate them using available materials. We at joy-pup tell you how to decorate Easter eggs using napkins. This simple decoupage method will appeal to many.

You will need:

  • boiled eggs;
  • various napkins with large or small designs (Easter themed);
  • small brushes;
  • natural glue.

How to make glue for Easter eggs

You can make natural glue using simple ingredients.

  • From egg white. Separate it from the yolk, then use a brush to spread the desired area of the surface of the eggshell. Paste the picture right away.
  • From gelatin. You need to dissolve a packet of gelatin in water, heat the mixture, stirring so that there are no lumps. Apply glue over the design until it hardens.
  • Flour glue. Stir 2 tbsp. flour with water so that the mixture is liquid. Leave it for 10-15 seconds so that the mass thickens a little. Apply glue in this way: apply water to the surface, glue the design and apply flour glue.

How to decorate an egg step by step using a napkin

  • First you need to remove the thin top layer of the napkin, which has a design on it and is colored.
  • Carefully cut out the design or part of it.
  • Choosing any of the three glue options, glue the design onto the egg.
  • Dry your paint and enjoy the result.

Ideas for decoupaging Easter eggs using a napkin

How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 1
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 2
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 3
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 4
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 5
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 6
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 7
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 8
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 9
How to decorate Easter eggs using a napkin: original ideas with photos 10

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