Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands

Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands


The year 2025, according to the Eastern calendar, will be under the sign of the Snake — a wise, elegant, and mysterious creature. It is believed that the Snake brings success, harmony, and helps make well-balanced decisions, so it’s worth adding a snake figurine to your interior. We at Joy-pup will share a simple and fun step-by-step tutorial on how to create a decorative snake from felt. This talisman will not only be an original decoration but also a wonderful gift for loved ones.

Felt Snake – Step-by-Step Masterclass

Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 1


  • Green, pink, black, and white felt
  • Glittery foamiran in any color
  • Scissors
  • Green and black thread and needle
  • Filling (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, or cotton)
  • Template
  • 25 cm of cord
  • Glue

Step-by-Step Masterclass:

Step 1: Print the snake template on A4 paper.

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Step 2: Transfer the template onto the main color felt (for example, green). Cut out two identical pieces — these will be the front and back parts of the snake.

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Step 3: Cut out two small circles from white felt for the eyes, or use ready-made toy eyes. From black felt, cut two narrow pupils. Use glittery foamiran for the eye sockets — cut two circles slightly smaller than the white eyes. Cut a thin forked tongue from pink felt.

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Step 4: Take a beautiful cord, for example, in gold or silver, cut off 25 cm, and tie the ends in a knot.

Step 5: On one of the snake pieces, attach the white eyes to the head. Embroider the eyebrows and nostrils with black thread.

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Step 6: Place the two snake pieces together. Sew them along the edge, starting from the tail, using a whipstitch or a running stitch. When you reach the head, insert the tongue between the nostrils. Also, insert the cord between the pieces during the process.

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Step 7: Leave a small unstitched section to fill the snake. Carefully stuff the snake with synthetic winterizer or another filler, distributing it evenly along the length. Stick the glittery foamiran eye sockets on the eyes and attach the pupils on top.

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Step 8: Stitch the remaining section. Cut small squares from glittery foamiran and attach them to decorate the symbol of the year.

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Check out other variations of the Snake — the symbol of 2025.

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Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 10
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 11
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 12
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 13
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 14
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 15
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 16
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 17
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 18
Symbol of 2025: how to make a felt snake with your own hands 19

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