5 mistakes during breakfast that can ruin your figure

5 mistakes during breakfast that can ruin your figure


Breakfast is an important ritual. After all, it is thanks to it that we saturate the body with energy for the whole day. But if you approach it incorrectly, then all this can affect our figure. This is especially true for those who want to lose weight. We at joy-pup tell you what mistakes during breakfast can ruin your figure.

Skipping breakfast

Many people think that by skipping breakfast, they reduce the number of calories consumed and thereby contribute to weight loss. However, in fact, this can lead to the opposite effect. Lack of food in the morning slows down the metabolism, which forces the body to store energy in the form of fat. As a result, you may feel very hungry during the day, which will lead to overeating during lunch or dinner.

Excess of fast carbohydrates

Sweet cereals, buns, muesli with a high sugar content are all examples of foods rich in fast carbohydrates. Such breakfasts quickly raise blood sugar levels, but after a while it drops sharply, causing a feeling of hunger and cravings for sweets. This can lead to overeating and, as a result, weight gain. It is better to give preference to products with a low glycemic index, such as oatmeal on water, eggs, yogurt without sugar.

Lack of protein

5 mistakes during breakfast that can ruin your figure 1

Protein is an important component of a healthy breakfast, which helps maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. If your breakfast consists mainly of carbohydrates and does not contain enough protein, you may feel hungry faster. Including eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or nuts in breakfast will help maintain satiety and prevent overeating during the day.

Not counting calories in drinks

Many people do not count the calories contained in drinks. Coffee with milk and sugar, sweet juices or smoothies can significantly increase the calorie content of breakfast. It is important to remember that such drinks can contain a lot of sugar and fat, which can lead to unwanted weight gain. It is better to choose drinks without sugar, such as black coffee, green tea or water.

Lack of vegetables and fruits

A breakfast that does not contain enough vegetables and fruits may not be rich in fiber and vitamins. Fiber helps improve digestion and maintain a feeling of satiety, and vitamins and minerals are important for overall health and energy. Try to include fresh fruits, berries or vegetables in your breakfast to make it more balanced and nutritious.

To be continued…

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