5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes

5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes


Puffiness is a big problem for many women. Surely, you have noticed bags under the eyes in the morning, which greatly spoil our appearance and mood. They can appear for various reasons, but the main one is excess water in the body. We at joy-pup will tell you what foods to include in the diet to relieve swelling.


5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes 1

They are considered one of the healthiest fruits, and nutritionists recommend eating apples every day. Regular consumption has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. They also improve digestion. In addition, it is apples that are able to remove excess fluid from the body and, as a result, reduce swelling.

Bell pepper

5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes 2

This simple vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, which are responsible for removing excess toxins and salts from the body. Therefore, if you suffer from swelling under the eyes, include red bell pepper in your diet.


5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes 3

Many nutritionists recommend it as a fasting and nutritious food. There are even whole buckwheat diets. Eat buckwheat for dinner – without salt and spices. This will avoid swelling, and you will not have a stomach ache and digestion will normalize.


5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes 4

It is able to easily overcome swelling, removing excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this, the process of removing puffiness under the eyes is accelerated. In the evening, eat parsley salad to enjoy a beautiful face in the morning.


5 simple products that will help relieve puffiness under the eyes 5

Eat them fresh, in salads or just like that. They will help get rid of edema of cardiac origin. You can also make cucumber masks to reduce puffiness under the eyes and give the face a rested look.

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