Acne and wrinkles: drinks and food that negatively affect the skin of the face

Acne and wrinkles: drinks and food that negatively affect the skin of the face


It is not only the wrong facial care habits or the use of unsuitable skin care products that affect the appearance of various skin problems. Eating certain foods can also cause a number of facial problems such as acne, breakouts, and signs of skin aging. Find out on Joy-pup what foods to cut or eliminate from your diet if you want to have a beautiful, clear face.

Fat meat

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One of the foods that are very loved, but do not realize that they have a bad effect on the beauty of the skin, is fatty meat. This meat can trigger acne due to its high saturated fat content. This is due to the high concentration of insulin growth factor, which stimulates an increase in sebum production, which makes the skin more prone to acne.

Processed meat

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In addition to fatty meats, processed meats such as sausages, sausages, bacon, and ham should also be avoided. Meat that has gone through this processing process is not only high in saturated fat, but also high in nitrates, which cause inflammation and wrinkling of the skin.

Dairy products

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Drinking animal milk, especially cow’s milk, in large quantities can lead to acne on the skin. This is due to the fact that milk and its products increase insulin levels. This causes the sebaceous glands to increase in size so that the skin begins to produce more sebum, which is the cause of acne.

Foods with a high glycemic index

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The glycemic index is a value assigned to a food based on the rate at which it raises blood sugar levels. High glycemic foods are thought to damage the collagen in the skin, leading to more rapid onset of signs of skin aging. These include sugar, white bread, potatoes and flour.

Products with artificial sweeteners

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Artificial sweeteners can interfere with hormones and cause acne. Therefore, foods with artificial sweeteners, such as candy, ice cream, and instant oatmeal, should be avoided. This food increases the secretion of insulin and hormones such as IGF-1, which is known to be a major factor in the development of acne.

Alcoholic drinks

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Excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate the aging process and the appearance of changes in skin texture. Alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration, which can rob the skin of moisture and elasticity. Alcohol can also lower levels of vitamin A, which plays an important role in collagen production.

See also: negative effects of sugar consumption on skin health.

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