Wrinkles around the eyes can affect our appearance. Their presence indicates signs of aging because this area of skin is thinner and more even than others. In addition to the signs of aging, there are other factors that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes.
UV radiation

Ultraviolet rays are bad for the skin because they can damage collagen, which is the main protein in skin tissue and also the main pillar in maintaining the firmness of the face. Sun exposure without SPF protection can lead to rapid skin aging, leading to wrinkles. Therefore, do not forget to use sunscreen and reapply if necessary. Also wear a hat and sunglasses when walking.

This habit is not only unhealthy in general, but also causes the skin to experience additional oxidative stress, damaging its collagen and elastin. And this is the factor that causes the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, smoking can constrict and block circulation in blood vessels and deplete vitamin A from skin cells.
Facial expression

Did you know that facial expression also has an effect? Like a disgruntled look, frowning eyebrows, even a smile, can lead to wrinkles. Try to control your facial expressions and relax your facial muscles.
Sleep on your stomach

Studies have shown that sleeping face down on a pillow can lead to wrinkles under the eyes. As you get older, as your skin becomes overwritten, its ability to bounce back will decrease. Therefore, it is not recommended to sleep in this position.
Environmental factor

There are environmental factors that can also put you at risk for under eye lines and wrinkles. These include dry, windy weather and pollution. If possible, at such times it is better for you to limit yourself to staying at home.

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