Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older

Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older


Some beauty products can make us look older. Exactly! By choosing a certain color, we focus on the skin of the face and can highlight something completely different from what we would like. This is especially true for lipstick. We at joy-pup tell you which shades of lipstick to avoid in order not to look older.

Bright orange

Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older 1

Many people like the carrot color of lipstick. It is impossible not to notice it, and by choosing the right shadows, you can create quite an interesting make-up. At the same time, this tone is quite dangerous. After all, it highlights absolutely all the wrinkles and redness on the face. Therefore, if you want to use bright orange lipstick, you need to work with makeup so that it is perfect.

Pearl pink

Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older 2

This lipstick makes lips very pale, while highlighting all the irregularities of delicate skin. Along with this, the skin of the face against its background looks very pale, circles under the eyes and wrinkles also become more noticeable. And even perfect makeup will not save the image.

Bright red

Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older 3

Many women like this shade, because it makes the image sexy, attractive. But be careful – if you use bright red lipstick without perfect makeup, you will immediately add at least 10 years to yourself. Therefore, you will need to even out the tone of the face, pick up the shadows and only then apply this color of lipstick.


Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older 4

This shade is dangerous because even with good makeup, it will add age to you. It also makes tooth enamel visually yellower, significantly spoiling your appearance. Therefore, all beauty experts recommend abandoning this tone of lipstick.


Carefully! 5 lipstick shades that make you look older 5

Despite the fact that this shade of lipstick has become one of the main trends, it can visually age the face. It all depends on its intensity. Stylists advise to abandon dark brown shades, which well highlight all wrinkles, redness, pimples on the face. As a result, you will look much older.

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