Surely, many of us have heard of such a product as chicory. It is often replaced with coffee, believing that it is much more beneficial. But is it accurate? We at joy-pup understand what chicory is and is it always worth using?
Chicory – what is it?

If you want to give up coffee for a number of reasons, but you just can’t, it is with the help of chicory that you will be able to do this. And all thanks to the fact that it tastes like your favorite drink, and also gives a charge of vivacity and energy. At the same time, it does not contain caffeine, so it can be drunk by almost everyone.
Chicory has a rather pleasant taste. Of course, it is impossible to fully compare it with coffee. But still, many people like it. And if you take into account his positive qualities, then you can even give preference to him.

The composition of chicory is very rich. Yes, it contains:
- vitamins of groups A and B;
- lactulose, fiber;
- iron;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- zinc;
- inulin.
Such a rich composition suggests that chicory is not only tasty, but useful for our body.
Beneficial features

Many people drink this drink to replace coffee and reduce the burden on the body. But it turns out that it has many healing properties.
- It is included in the list of those products that improve the condition of the intestines. Also, the product supports its proper functioning and accelerates the growth of bacteria necessary for the body.
- Chicory normalizes the state of the nervous system, helps to maintain vigor and energy. It also has a positive effect on brain activity.
- Chicory does not contain caffeine, so there is no negative effect on the cardiovascular system.
- The diuretic effect of the product allows you to cope with inflammation and swelling. And just a cup of drink relieves intoxication after a festive feast.

Chicory powder can be used for cosmetic purposes.
- The infusion of the product contributes to rapid weight loss, as it saturates the body at a low calorie content.
- The powder speeds up the metabolism, it destroys body fat, so you can forget about cellulite.
- The product has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair.
Chicory is not only drunk. It is used as a hair rinse or as a lotion, if necessary, to relieve inflammation on the skin.
Is there any harm?

It seems that such features of chicory make it perhaps the best product on the planet. But still it has a number of contraindications. It should not be used if you:
- haemorrhoids;
- varicose veins;
- bronchitis;
- liver disease;
- acute gastritis;
- cholelithiasis;
- jumps in blood pressure are observed.
The product is also not recommended for older people if they use it very often. After all, a glut of vitamins can cause the opposite, not at all useful, effect.

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