From dryness to velvety: how to care for the skin on the elbows

From dryness to velvety: how to care for the skin on the elbows


No matter how you take care of the skin of your hands, if you have dry elbows, you will spoil the whole impression. With a cursory glance in the mirror, you may not notice the state of your elbows. But this problem is quickly noticed by people around. To keep the skin on your elbows soft and velvety – read the tips on

From dryness to velvety: how to care for the skin on the elbows 1

Elbow Care Tips

It is possible to get rid of dry skin on the elbows, but this is not a quick process. A little discipline, regular care, the right products – and you will not think that your elbows are dry, rough and rough. To begin with, stop leaning on your elbows, especially if you have an office job and you strain your elbows all day. Along with friction, this is often the cause of rough skin on the elbows. Of course, getting rid of this habit is not enough, and there are several care steps that you should follow regularly.

Lubricate your elbows while they are wet

After a shower, do not wipe your elbows, but apply moisturizer to the still damp ones. Thus, you will retain moisture in them and additionally moisturize them.

From dryness to velvety: how to care for the skin on the elbows 2

Thick creams moisturize better

Light creams and gels have a powerful moisturizing effect, and are becoming more and more popular. They have the advantage of being quickly absorbed, so you need a little time for them to soak in before dressing. However, for dry skin, use products with a thicker formulation, as they also create a barrier on the skin to retain moisture.

Forget hot water

For all the relaxation benefits of hot water, it actually dries out the skin. If you have dry skin on your elbows, don’t shower for too long.

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Soft cleansing

Dry elbows require mild detergents that retain moisture and do not cause irritation. Use skin care products for dry or sensitive skin, and if you run out of them, you can use a face wash.

Don’t skip night care

You don’t have to buy expensive creams and products, but you do have to oil your elbows every night. Choose creams with natural oils, thicker, or petroleum jelly, which is the most affordable and proven to work. Protect your oiled elbows with a cotton cloth for better absorption.


Even with normal skin, dead cells must be removed for any drug to work. Especially this rule applies to dry skin on the elbows. You can use chemical peeling – creams with fruit acids, or physical – mechanical peeling.

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Products containing urea

Cosmetics with urea are available at any pharmacy, and we all know about its beneficial effects. Urea softens the skin and intensively moisturizes it, therefore it is included in body, heel and foot care products. For elbows, you can use heel creams.

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