How to relieve dry skin: 3 main rules

How to relieve dry skin: 3 main rules


Dry skin requires especially careful care. Since it lacks natural moisture, wrinkles appear on it faster and it becomes flabby. That is why it is necessary to understand how to properly care for dry skin. We at joy-pup present 3 main rules with which you will relieve dry skin.

Gentle cleansing

Use gentle cleansers that do not contain harsh ingredients, including alcohol. Avoid using hot water to wash your face; warm water is the best option. Also remember that you need to cleanse your face no more than twice a day, otherwise you will remove the natural protective layer of the skin.

Intense hydration

How to relieve dry skin: 3 main rules 1

Apply moisturizer immediately after washing your face, while your skin is still damp. Then you can retain moisture. Moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides and natural oils will suit you. Also include serums and essences in your care for additional hydration.

Proper skin protection

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days. This way you will avoid the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Try to avoid the negative effects of weather conditions, and also maintain optimal humidity in the room. This will allow you to preserve the beauty of your skin and relieve dryness.

To be continued…

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