No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older

No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older


A variety of types of haircuts are in fashion, including those from the 70s and 90s. But when choosing a hairstyle, keep in mind that it can add age. For example, too much bouffant makes you look a few years older. What should be avoided? We at joy-pup will tell you which hairstyles can age you.

Ultra short pixie haircut

No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older 1

In general, pixie is considered one of the most fashionable haircuts, because it can visually stretch your face and make your look fresher. But this does not apply to ultra-short hairstyles, due to which the face and neck become too open. In this case, attention is focused on wrinkles. Therefore, it is better to choose a longer version to make your face look younger.


No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older 2

Hairstyles from the 80s are in fashion today, and they are characterized by bold bouffant and bright styling. But if you overdo it, you can make your image not very attractive. So, tower bouffant adds a few years and makes you look older.

Top combed bangs

No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older 3

Try this hairstyle for an experiment. Stand in front of a mirror and comb your bangs up, lifting them up. It was this styling that was popular at the beginning of the 2000s. But at the same time, she added age, making women older. Therefore, it is better to replace the bangs combed to the top with an oblique or curtain.

Small curls

No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older 4

Many women think that chemistry looks bright and interesting. Yes, small curls can add coquetry to the image. But at the same time, they look unnatural, which is why several years are immediately added. Replace them with big curls that fall over your shoulders in waves.

Varnished hairstyles

No bouffant and varnish: hairstyles that will make you 10 years older 5

For several seasons in a row, naturalness has been in fashion. But the perfect styling, literally flooded with varnish, not only looks out of date, but can also make you much older. After all, the hair in this case looks inanimate, and also resembles a wig.

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