Perfume life hacks: how to make the fragrance last for a long time

Perfume life hacks: how to make the fragrance last for a long time


Sometimes the persistence of a fragrance can be disappointing. Many perfumes last only a few hours, which is very disappointing. You have to carry a bottle of perfume in your purse and renew the fragrance from time to time. We at Joy-pup will share good tips on how to extend the durability of perfume.

Apply perfume before dressing

You shouldn’t use perfume as a finishing touch before you walk out the door. Perfume is activated by heat – which is why it is recommended to spray perfume directly onto the skin. It also avoids perfume stains on clothes. According to experts, the best time to spray perfume is right after you shower. At this time, the skin is clean and rich in moisture, which helps the fragrance molecules to easily blend into it. In the shower, the air around you is covered with a thin layer of water vapor, so when the spray from the bottle passes, it spreads over the skin, making the fragrance more evenly spread on the body.

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Diffuse the fragrance on the pulse points

Applying perfume to the pulse points where the veins are closest to the skin is a good idea, as these areas are warm and enhance the scent. This can be the inside of the elbow, behind the earlobe, the inside of the knees and, of course, the wrists.

Don’t rub your wrists together

Recognize yourself – you spray perfume on your wrists, and then rub them together. However, this is not such a good idea, as the scent molecules will be disrupted, causing the scent to change and dissipate very quickly. Also, never rub perfume into your skin with your fingers. It takes about 30 seconds for the alcohol in a perfume to evaporate. Only then can you feel the real flavor.

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Spray perfume on damp skin

The more hydrated your skin is, the longer you will smell the fragrance. For example, first use body lotion and then perfume. You can also apply a little cream before spraying the fragrance on the skin.

Keep your distance

If you apply perfume too close to the skin, it will cause oil to build up on the skin. As a result, your skin can no longer properly absorb fragrance. Therefore, keep the bottle at a distance of 15-20 cm from the skin when applying perfume to the body.

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Storage space

Choose a suitable place where you can store your perfume. Heat and light can damage the fragrance, so keep it in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Instead of a dressing table, think of a closet or drawer. These storage areas are the least exposed to the sun.

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