Practical tips for the summer: proper oily skin care

Practical tips for the summer: proper oily skin care


Oily skin ages more slowly, which is good. But as the heat sets in, this rule doesn’t work. Imagine that you’ve just spent an hour carefully applying makeup, went out in the sun and … Your fringe sticks to your forehead, makeup is ruined, and your face shines like a disco ball. Terrible, huh?

You may be cheered up a little with the fact that even dry skin gets a T-zone oily sheen in the heat. Just know that you can find a solution to any problem. Joy-pup found some helpful tips on how to treat oily skin in the summer.

Summer skin care tips

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The bright sun not only gives us beautiful tan, but also causes a lot of troubles: burns, enlarged pores, face breakouts, sticky feeling, running makeup. Those who have oily skin are especially affected by the sun. What to do to get rid of oily sheen and other problems?


Practical tips for the summer: proper oily skin care 2

Dirty oily skin is a favorable environment for acne. Cleansing is a must! Make a habit of washing your face twice a day, and you will feel the difference right away. Use special foams and gels instead of soap.

Use tonics and lotions with tea tree oil or salicylic acid. These are antibacterial substances that reduce skin inflammation and prevent face breakouts.

In order not to overdry your skin, choose a product with a minimum alcohol content. Incredible as it may seem, overdrying makes oil glands go into overdrive.


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Dead epidermal tissue particles and subcutis facilitates generation of bacteria. Pores should be clean and to provide this we suggest using a delicate scrub 2-3 times a week. With its help you will reduce oiliness as well as rejuvenate the skin.


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You might think that oily skin doesn’t need moisturizers. It’s not true. When the skin lacks moisture, the glands begin to produce more fat. To avoid oily sheen, choose a light, non-comedogenic cream.

Protect from the sun

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We agree, that it’s almost impossible to avoid sun in the summer. However, before going out in the sun always apply sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher. This is because direct ultraviolet rays cause tremendous harm to the skin. Firstly, they destroy elastin and collagen, therefore the face contour “fades”. And secondly, oily acne prone skin is also prone to hyperpigmentation.

Use facial wipes 

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Touching your face is an extremely bad habit. If you want to get rid of acne, keep your hands away from your face. To remove sweat and oil during the heat, use blotting (matting) wipes. In such a way you clean your face and don’t damage the makeup.

Give your skin some rest

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The skin should breathe and relax. A thick layer of makeup clogs the pores (especially if you, God forbid, do not remove it before bedtime). If you can’t do without makeup, use water-based cosmetic products. If you need to refresh the make-up, cleanse your face with a matting wipe, then apply powder (best of all loose).

Drink enough water

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Water is crucial for our skin. It not only moisturizes it from the inside, but also removes toxins that cause inflammation and acne. Make water with lemon: it’ll quench your thirst and make up vitamin C deficiency.

Do morning exercises

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Find at least 15 minutes a day for intense exercise.

During the training, the body sweats and deep impurities are washed away naturally. This improves blood circulation and saturates the skin cells with oxygen.

Eat healthy

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Everything we eat is reflected on our skin. In the summer, pay particular attention to food allowance. Fruits and vegetables should be the priority. Reduce the use of sugar and refuse fatty, spicy and fried foods. Try to make anti-acne masks every week.

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