The 5 Tablespoons Diet: What Are the Features of the Easiest Weight Loss Method

The 5 Tablespoons Diet: What Are the Features of the Easiest Weight Loss Method


The 5 Tablespoons diet has been gaining popularity lately. It involves eating small portions and is considered very healthy. We at joy-pup tell you what the features of the diet are and what principles it has.

Features of the 5 Tablespoons Diet

This nutritional principle is that it does not require a complete rejection of certain foods. Therefore, it may be suitable even for those who cannot adjust during the diet. But it is important to strictly control portions, which will help avoid overeating.

Frequent meals in small portions maintain metabolism at a high level, which contributes to more efficient burning of calories.

The benefits of the diet are in several factors

The 5 Tablespoons Diet: What Are the Features of the Easiest Weight Loss Method 1
  • Gradual weight loss. Limiting portions and eating frequently contribute to safe and gradual weight loss.
  • Improving digestion. Small portions of food are easier to digest, which reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract and improves digestion.
  • Reducing the risk of overeating. Frequent small meals help control hunger and avoid overeating, which is often the cause of excess weight gain.
  • Stabilizing blood sugar levels. The diet helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, which is especially useful for women with a predisposition to diabetes or those who already suffer from this disease.

Principles of the “5 tablespoons” diet – how to follow

There are several principles of this diet that you need to follow.

  • The main principle of the diet is to limit the volume of one serving of food to 5 tablespoons (approximately 150-200 grams). This allows you to control the calorie content of the diet and reduce the volume of the stomach, which over time helps reduce appetite.
  • The diet involves frequent meals in small portions – every 2-3 hours. This helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and avoid overeating.
  • It is important to eat a variety of foods so that the body receives all the necessary nutrients. The diet can include vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins and healthy fats, but in limited portions.
  • The diet involves minimizing the consumption of sugar, flour products, sweets and other foods with a high glycemic index to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels.

By following this diet, you can easily lose weight and maintain your weight within normal limits.

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