The body of your dreams: 10 most effective sports for weight loss

The body of your dreams: 10 most effective sports for weight loss


There are many ways to fight extra pounds, and the most effective of them is sports. It makes sense to combine gym work with proper nutrition in order to fight weight in the long run. We at Joy-pup have prepared various sports, among which there are both for active girls and lazy ones.

1. CrossFit

By doing CrossFit, you can burn up to 13 calories per minute, even if you are not exercising with extra weight. The most effective exercises include pull-ups, squats and push-ups. With CrossFit, you train your whole body in terms of strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination.


With HIIT training, you can burn up to 800 calories per hour. This is an alternation of short, very intense cardio and strength loads with short breaks for recovery. Thanks to HIIT, calories are burned even after a workout, which is associated with the “afterburn” effect. Due to the constant change of stress, your body takes longer to return to normal. 

3. Jogging

Jogging or jogging is a very effective sport for weight loss as it burns about 550 calories per hour. When running, the muscles of the hips and legs are mainly involved, so you need to train regularly to strengthen the muscles of the core. It also has a positive effect on the metabolic rate. Beginners should not overdo it with running. You need to start with short distances, because with each step, the load on the ankles and knees is about three times your weight.

4. Boxing

Boxing can burn up to 800 calories. This high calorie intake is due to the fact that boxing requires a lot of strength and speed. Here your coordination is trained like no other sport. Therefore, declare war on the hated body fat and start boxing.

5. Swimming

Swimming is especially good for overweight people or older people who want to lose weight, as this sport is easy on the joints. An hour of swimming can burn about 440 calories. This is a little less than running, but the load goes for the legs, abdomen, shoulders, arms and buttocks at the same time. Swimming is not only an optimal endurance workout, it also strengthens a lot of your muscles.

6. Nordic walking

Nordic walking with poles is also a joint-friendly jogging option. If you master it, you can burn about 450 calories per hour. Nordic walking trains the shoulders, legs and buttocks. 

7. Cycling

If you want to exercise for weight loss and observe nature at the same time, cycling is a great option. Cyclists can burn about 410 calories per hour. Since cycling mainly involves the legs, beginners should do strength training for the back and abdomen, otherwise back and neck pain may occur at first. 

8. Cycle

Cycling depends on the weather. The alternative here is the cycling, which has recently gained wide popularity. The exercise is performed on stationary bikes in the fitness room. How many calories you burn during a workout depends on your fitness level, as well as your body weight and the duration of the exercise. If you weigh 75 kg and train at moderate intensity, you can burn almost 600 calories per hour.

9. Tai-bo 

Tai-bo is a full body workout that combines dancing and kickboxing. This is not about self-defense, but about the dynamic execution of punches and kicks. With tai-bo, you train all muscle groups and at the same time do a great cardio workout. Exercise can burn about 500 calories per hour.

10. Step aerobics

On the platform, you can burn about 700 calories per hour, which makes step aerobics a very effective sport. You train your legs, abs, buttocks and back by combining different steps and techniques. If you want to do step aerobics, start at a level that suits your fitness level.

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