Useful properties of cherries for body health and weight loss

Useful properties of cherries for body health and weight loss


Now is the peak season for the ripening of sweet and fragrant cherries. They are almost everywhere – in supermarkets and on the market. This berry is not only tasty, but also very useful for the body. In addition, it promotes weight loss, especially in the abdomen. Read more on Joy-pup about the beneficial properties of fragrant cherries.

Benefits for the body

Useful properties of cherries for body health and weight loss 1

According to scientists, the great advantage of cherries is in its detoxifying action. It cleanses the body of poisons, heavy metals and toxins. This will be a good reset for your organs, and they will start working as they should. And this also applies to digestion – there are nutrients in the skin of cherries that are a natural remedy for constipation. Another benefit of this tasty fruit is vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium. This is a balm for nerves, which are badly damaged during a weight loss diet. Eat a handful of cherries and you will feel the gastronomic pleasure after a cake from a pastry shop.

Burns belly fat

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One of the most interesting properties of cherries is their fat burning function. The substances they contain break down dangerous belly fat, which is good news for middle-aged men and women. But ladies with an apple-shaped figure, who have a more voluminous upper half of the body and slender legs, will also like it. In order for cherries to help you lose weight, you must include them in your diet – nutritionists recommend a dose of 250-500 g of berries per day. To some this will seem like a lot, but you need to take advantage of the season, which is short and can bring you a lot of benefits. There are many ways to consume cherries. In addition to adding to yogurt, cottage cheese, cereals, salad, you can make smoothies and cocktails with them.

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7 reasons to eat cherries

1. Improves the quality of sleep. The presence of melatonin in this fruit helps regulate sleep cycles and sleep quality. The use of cherries causes a feeling of relaxation, therefore it helps to avoid insomnia and disorders of the nervous system. If you have trouble falling asleep, eat an evening serving of cherries.

2. Cherries help fight muscle damage from exercise. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds can help reduce muscle pain, damage, and inflammation caused by exercise.

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3. Since cherries are rich in vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids and phosphorus, they promote cardiovascular health. These nutrients help protect the heart from damage caused by oxidants and also promote an adequate heart rate, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, which therefore means a lower risk of heart attacks.

4. This fruit can be consumed by diabetics as it has a low glycemic index compared to others.

5. Cherries contain fibers that help keep you feeling full longer. This makes it a suitable fruit for a healthy diet.

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6. Since this berry is rich in beta-carotene, it helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Contributes to the preservation of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, and also promotes healthy hair and nail growth.

7. Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory action, cherries can reduce the symptoms of arthritis and gout – swelling, inflammation, joint pain. Research shows that cherries help inhibit oxidative stress and reduce inflammation by suppressing inflammatory proteins. This will reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Berries can also lower uric acid levels in the body, making them especially beneficial for people with gout.

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