During excavations at the site of the eruption of the famous volcano Vesuvius that occurred in 79 AD. e. archaeologists have found the remains of ancient people – the master and his slave, according to the New York Times.

After analyzing the excavations, scientists concluded that one of the ancient people was a wealthy landowner, while the other person was his slave. According to the head of the excavations, on the territory of the Historical Museum of Pompeii Massimo Hosanna, this find provides a lot of new information about the ancient period of that time.

For example, he said that people were dressed in clothes made of woolen fabric. This fact allows scientists to assert that the famous eruption of the historical volcano was in September, and not in August, 79 AD. e., as previously thought in scientific circles.

Archaeologists also managed to determine the age of the landowner – from 30 to 40 years, and his slave – from 18 to 23.
“The bodies of the unfortunate were located in such a way that it can be assumed that they tried to hide from the catastrophe, but they were swept away by a pyroclastic wave. Death came from heat stroke, this is indicated by the fact that the muscles of the arms and legs were cramped, ”said Osanna.
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