Congratulations on April 1 in prose and poetry

Congratulations on April 1 in prose and poetry


April 1 is the day of laughter, humor, fun, positive emotions. The date is not considered official, and so that this day does not go unnoticed, today it is customary to joke about and together with others. Amuse relatives, friends, colleagues with cheerful congratulations on April Fool’s Day to set the mood for the whole day.

Congratulations on April Fool’s Day in verse

Congratulations on April 1 in prose and poetry 1

I wish you happiness and success
So that the tears were only from laughter!


Congratulations on the first day of April
I wish you to live easily and cheerfully,
Let the jokes be good
All friends will not forget to congratulate!


Positive only by tons of measuring,
You live and give a smile
Congratulations on the first of April
Ha-ha-ha, ho-ho-ho, hee-hee-hee!


Congratulations on April 1
Relax – I command!
Laugh well and have fun
Keep your nose up and smile!


I wish you on April Fool’s Day
Keep positive in the soul.
Let dreams inspire you
To love the vast world.
Always laugh from the heart
Laugh at the envy of everyone.
So, to roll on the floor,
So that there are no problems.
Good jokes to you in life,
Humor is a cure for sadness
May he bring happiness closer to you.
Your days will be easy!


Let’s smile today
Laugh out loud and joke.
On April Fool’s Day April 1
It’s time to have fun with each other.
Let all jokes be good
And they won’t hurt anyone.
We wish you all a sense of humor
There is nothing more important than him!


I congratulate you,
Nobody got bored
April Fool’s jokes
And rather the opposite:
People are happy to laugh.


Happy Happy Day with laughter!
Let the house tremble with laughter
Let the cheekbones and stomach hurt,
Don’t close your mouth!
Everyone needs to laugh, friends,
Cause they can’t resist him
Not those who are poor, even beggars,
Nor owners of money!


May April Fool’s Day bring you
Smiles, jokes for the whole year,
May a joyful happy world
You will be a guide to life
Let laughter and cheerful laughter
You predict success
On the road, on vacation, at work
Let a smile warm everywhere.


Day of absurdity, day of fun,
The day when laughter reigns
The day the blizzards left
April 1 holiday!
So play everyone
Everyone will laugh
And take a moment
For a naughty, peppery joke!

Congratulations on April Fool’s Day in prose

Congratulations on April 1 in prose and poetry 2

I congratulate you on April Fool’s Day and sincerely wish you to smile more often, easily solve all your problems and never forget about fun and a wonderful holiday. Let friends make you happy today, let something fun, funny and interesting happen to you.


Congratulations on April 1st! I give you the most valuable gift – a bag of happiness and a basket of good mood. You can not save, my gift will last until the next April Fool’s Day.


Accept congratulations on April Fool’s Day! If laughter prolongs life, then April 1 easily gives us a whole, not at all an extra year of a happy life! Let no one leave today, hide from your jokes and remain very pleased with them, and you yourself do not sulk at your relatives and friends. And when they prank you, laugh even louder than them!


Today, everyone strives to come up with something special, because on April 1, everyone wants to prank as many people as possible and make it as funny as possible! Be on the alert today, friend. Happy April Fool’s Day!


Congratulations on the Day of Laughter, on the holiday of good jokes and funny fun. I wish you to wake up today with a smile, spend your day wonderfully and interestingly, be able to cheer up even the saddest person and laugh heartily with your friends.


My congratulations on the holiday of April 1 – the day of jokes and fun! I wish you always laugh heartily and joke the way you want! Let there always be a place for humor and fun in life, let a drop of childishness live in your soul, which will allow you to plunge into joy with your head. More positivity and joyful smiles for you!


Happy April Fool’s Day, I wish you always smile from ear to ear. Great mood, a million jokes and mountains of joy! Give happiness to others, cheer up and have fun from the heart!


Happy April Fool’s Day! I wish you never lose heart, smile more often, find positive moments in any situation, do not lose your presence of mind and train your sense of humor. Let every day be an occasion for laughter, jokes and fun, let your mood be always upbeat, and there is joy in your heart.

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