How and when to make a wish map for 2024?

How and when to make a wish map for 2024?


Do you have grandiose plans for 2024, or are you, on the contrary, standing still and not knowing what you want? Then it’s time to draw up a wish map for 2024. And how and when to do it, read on .

Wish Map: what is it and how to make it right?

The Wish Map is a tool for fulfilling your goals, intentions or dreams, borrowed from the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui. There is no magic here, but only a psychological effect. Frequent contemplation of the picture is postponed in the subconscious, and the person begins to unconsciously move towards the goal.

It is a sheet of drawing paper or paper in A2, A3, A4 format, on which pictures and drawings are pasted, depicting all your goals for the coming year.

A wish map, a visualization board, a dream map – whatever we call this method of turning our goals into reality, with the right approach, it really works. Of course, and you will have to work a little when you make a wish map for 2024 on your own. Approach this task in a good mood and in a cheerful frame of mind.

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Dress up in your favorite clothes, clean your house, and put everything in its place before you make a map of your most cherished desires for the whole year. After all, you should be comfortable, cozy and calm. Therefore, it is best to start visualizing during the day, when only you and your positive thoughts are at home. Or in the evening, alone with yourself, by candlelight and accompanied by light music.

What you need to know when creating a wish map for 2024?

First of all, you should figure out how and from what to make a visualization board for 2024. And also decide on the dates when it is best to create a wish map

When to make a wish map for 2024?

The best time for a wish card is the New Moon or the waxing Moon. Therefore, if you decide when to make a wish card in December 2023, count on the period until December 19 , that is, before the Full Moon .

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After the New Year, by the way, you will also have time to make a wish map for 2024. After all, when compiling it, you should focus on the eastern calendar and the onset of the Chinese New Year . In 2024, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar falls on the night of January 31 to February 1 . Then, on February 1, there will be a New Moon in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius.

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Accordingly, starting from February 1 and the entire period of the growing moon, until February 16, 2024 , you can draw up a map of desires. Why is it worth making a wish card exactly on the New Moon or after it? The new moon symbolizes purity, well-being, the growth of positive energy. It is during this phase of the moon that you can form positive attitudes and visualize them in the form of a wish board for 2024.

How to make a wish card for 2024: top recommendations

We have already figured out what date to create a wish card for 2024. They also learned in what environment it is worth starting work with the visualization of their desires and goals.

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Wish card format

  • Today, in addition to drawing paper or paper, a cortical or magnetic board is used as the basis for a wish card, on which pictures can be attached using buttons, pins or magnets.
  • You are also free to choose an electronic format (the 21st century is in the yard!) And make a visualization board in any program convenient for you or create a collage using an online service.
  • The most aesthetic and practical option is to buy a wish card from Make Board wood. It combines the naturalness and durability of wood with pleasant colors and tactile sensations. Such a map will last for years, you want to look at it, hold it in your hands and approach it every day, which is very important for a visualization board. The card comes with everything you need: access to 1000 pictures, stickers for pictures and wall mounts. The cards are currently available in four colors and four sizes. The Make Board wish card will fit into any interior and will please the owner every day.
Wish Map Make Board

Wish Map Make Board

Pictures for a wish card

Pictures that will symbolize your goals for the next year, you can draw yourself or print on a printer.

  • They should be bright, colorful, meaningful , positive and enjoyable for you personally.
  • There should not be any double subtexts on the images for the visualization map.
  • As there should not be drawings on the opposite side – therefore, experts do not recommend cutting out images from magazines . On the reverse side of the picture there may be pictures that “block” your personal settings.
  • Although the pictures on the wish card should be specific, do not use photos of your loved ones.
  • Only your photo should be on the visualization board , and all other images should be as close as possible to your dream.
  • If you want to start a relationship with a specific person, do not attach their photo to the wish card. And print out the image of the happy couple as you imagine it.

How to make a wish map for 2024 by sectors

It is necessary to paste the pictures on the visualization board in a certain sequence, dividing the sheet into main zones.

Sectors of the wish map:

  • wealth;
  • glory, achievements;
  • love, relationship, marriage;
  • creativity, hobby;
  • travel, idols, helpers;
  • career, position, profession;
  • knowledge, education, training, self-realization;
  • family, health, home, pets.

And now that you have decided on the categories of desires, it’s time to place them on the map.

How to make a wish map: sequence by sector

The visualization board will start to “work” if you place each sector in its place. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, you need to start from the center by placing your current photo on the wish map. Here, in the center, there should be images that are responsible for your beauty, health – sports, healthy eating, spa treatments, sleep (if it suits you). The color of the sector is yellow.

 Next, glue the sector of wealth – in the upper left corner. It is important to specify your desires here. It is not easy to post photos of bank cards, cash and gold coins. And dream “to the fullest”: branded items, jewelry, cars and yachts. Why not? The color of the sector is purple.

We move the top row clockwise and move on to the sector of glory . Here you can place images of awards, medals, diplomas or a photo of a person who is applauded by the public. It all depends on your ambitions. The color of the sector is red.

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The upper right corner is the sector of love and relationships . Everything related to personal life and feelings should be present here: paired images of people, hugs, kisses, rings, hearts and other romance. In a word, all your love plans for this year. The color of the sector is pink.

We go down to the second row and go to the sector of creativity . Here we paste photos related to your hobby or creative profession. Everything that you dream to realize or what you would like to do this year: drawing, books, music or design. The color of the sector is white.

The lower right corner is the travel sector . Here post photos of places and locations you want to visit. Also, this zone is responsible for idols and assistants. These are the people you look up to, who inspire and support you, your friends and loved ones. Here it is not necessary to paste photos of specific people, you can get by with genre images. The color of the sector is gray metallic.

The central photo of the bottom row is the career zone . Here you can put photos of people who work in a team, images of the office and other preferences. Also feel free to wish and print a check with the specific amount you would like to earn. The color of the sector is blue or light blue.

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The lower left corner is the sector of knowledge and self-realization . Here usually place the image of diplomas of educational institutions, certificates of courses and trainings on self-development. Even a driver’s license can be pictured if you have a goal of getting one this year. And also – the flags of the countries whose languages ​​you would like to learn. The color of the sector is beige or brown.

In the second row from the left – the sector of family and household affairs . Feel free to post photos of completed repairs, your own house or apartment here. As well as pictures of families, children, pets, light and joyful photos of a cozy life. The color of the sector is green.

Signing the wish card correctly: some important tips

Under the pasted photos, you can write down your desires in words . It should be specific wording, in the affirmative form and in the present tense. For example, the attitude “I am not sick this year” is not entirely correct. Correct: “I am healthy, full of strength and energy this year . ” And so with all your goals and desires. About how to make a wish for the New Year, we wrote here . You can use these guidelines.

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And one more thing about measurability . The setting “I am fabulously rich” or “I got a lot of money” , “I have a good car” is not very correct. More specifics. For example, “My monthly income is 200 thousand rubles” , “My salary has increased to 150 thousand rubles” , “I bought a BMW car” and indicate the model and year of manufacture. Or – “I have enough money to buy a house, an apartment or fly to the Maldives” (pick one).

It’s good to write time frames . For example, “I received the position of head of department until October 15, 2024” . And also your desires must be feasible in real life and commensurate with your specific capabilities. That is, to marry a prince, of course, is possible in our time. But is this really what you want?

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Desires must be positive . Namely, it is forbidden to predict trouble, pain, separation or illness to someone. Otherwise, your attitudes will turn against you. Also , you can not interfere through your desires in someone’s fate . You can wish health and prosperity to your family. But to write: “My husband changed jobs” is impossible. This is an encroachment on “foreign territory.” The wish map should contain only your goals and your area of ​​​​responsibility, do not forget.

How to activate the wish card?

In order for your visualization card to start working for the fulfillment of a desire, it must be activated. To do this, hang a board over your bed so that you can see it in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. It is important to work with the wish card, and not just look at it.

  • In the morning – try to experience the feelings and emotions that you would experience if your wish came true right now (one of, not all at once!).
  • And in the evening – analyze the deeds and actions that you have already completed on the way to your desire. What have you done today to make your dream come true? What else needs to be done? You know that a lot depends on you!

Dream, do not be afraid of your desires and may all your plans come true this year. We wish you the realization of your goals, good luck and great success!  

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