Taurus child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign

Taurus child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign


Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Children born under this zodiac sign are patient, calm and love to live. By nature, they are practical and specific, although they can be very stubborn. Read on Joy-pup what the Taurus baby will be like.

How are Taurus children born?

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The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is related to beauty and harmony. Design, style and harmonious colors are what a child born under this sign really likes. Taurus children usually love food and become real gourmets over the years. They have a well developed sense of smell. They admire the appearance and physical beauty, which in the future can make them fall in love with the “wrong” person. They simply miss what is behind the outer facade.

Character features

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Finances are important even for small Taurus. They tend to show an interest in property and money from an early age. Finances are of great value to them, and Taurus’ interest in possessiveness can sometimes go too far, sometimes it also applies to people. It can be difficult for them to understand that others have their own, individual character traits and personal lives. Although Taurus loves material things, they are not stingy, but will gladly offer both love and money to people close to them.

Taurus often need a lot of love, but at the same time they are very stubborn and somewhat selfish. A child needs a lot of love and appreciation in order for him or her to become a harmonious person. He is not one of those who step on the heels of others, Taurus try to stay away from conflicts until their bowl overflows.

Taurus does not worry in vain and accepts things as they are. They like to relax at home, where they feel safe and calm. Love for flowers and nature and them is laid from childhood, and in the future your child will definitely develop an interest in gardening.

Taurus do not like to do what they themselves do not consider right or necessary. They value their freedom and do not want to be controlled by anyone. Taurus do not always have a good relationship with their brothers and sisters, often showing signs of selfishness towards them. They love to be praised, and I take criticism very hard.

Stubbornness of a young Taurus

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Taurus is stubborn, conservative, does not like quick changes. This sign prefers to stay in its current state until it feels ready for a new one. Each thing should have its own place – toys should be in a certain place where they can play in peace and quiet.

It is difficult for representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign to accept someone else’s opinion. If they meet a person who has a completely different opinion or perception, they often pretend that he does not exist. They consider their own values ​​to be the only correct ones in the world. Taurus often have difficulty understanding other people’s feelings, hints, or moods. Often from the outside they can be perceived as callous and insensitive people.

Professions for Taurus

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Children born under the sign of Taurus are often musical and artistic. They have high ambitions that often manifest themselves in early childhood. Therefore, such children usually do well in school and get good grades, which lays the foundation for good work.

Taurus loves firm ground under their feet. But they may like artistic and creative professions, for example, in the field of music and art. Crafts such as carpentry, florist or gardener are also suitable for Taurus.

Advice for Parents of a Taurus Child

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Children born under the sign of Taurus love to spend time outside the city. Therefore, they will appreciate a trip to the country, to the village to their grandmother or to a ski resort. They like to run outside among the bushes and trees, play hide and seek or just walk in the woods. The Taurus child needs security and prepares children well in advance for changes. They love order and discipline, as well as drawing and reading.

Already in childhood, they may develop an interest in food. Therefore, pay attention to the weight of the child so that the baby does not gain extra pounds early.

Skin-to-skin contact is important as early as childhood, and cuddling moments should be part of your daily routine. Give your child a lot of love and closeness, be careful with criticism. Growing up, surrounded by great love, they become very balanced in adulthood.

See also: Aries child: what will the baby be like, characteristics of the zodiac sign.

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