The Mysterious Disappearance of the Fort Worth Girls: The Unsolved Missing Case of 1974

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Fort Worth Girls: The Unsolved Missing Case of 1974


At the end of 1974, in the city of Fort Worth, Texas, there was a strange disappearance of three girls – 9-year-old Julie Moseley, 14-year-old Renee Wilson and 17-year-old Rachel Trickla. They went to the Seminary South mall to buy Christmas presents and disappeared without a trace. Despite numerous investigation attempts, the girls were never found, leaving one of the most intricate missing cases unsolved.

That day, the girls set off in the car of Rachel, who was already married, and planned to return home by four o’clock in the afternoon, as Renée had promised her mother. However, when they did not return, the parents became worried and went looking for their daughters. Initially, it is worth noting that Julie Moseley, the youngest of the girls, was not planned to be taken with them, but at the last moment they changed their minds and all three of them went.

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Fort Worth Girls: The Unsolved Missing Case of 1974 1

Alarmed parents found Rachel’s car in the parking lot near the mall. There were purchases and gifts inside the car, but the girls were nowhere to be found. The parents immediately contacted the police.

The day after the girls disappeared, Rachel Trickla’s husband, Thomas, received a strange letter purporting to be from his wife. The letter said that Rachel had gone to Houston and would be back in a week. However, the letter aroused suspicion among Rachel’s relatives, as a mistake was made in the text – instead of the usual diminutive name “Tommy”, they wrote “Thomas”. This confirmed the assumption that Rachel was not the author of the letter.

Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen girls getting into a yellow pickup truck. However, traces of this pickup truck could not be found, and the investigation again reached a dead end. In Houston, the girls were also not found, which only increased the sense of mystery and unsolvedness of this case.

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Fort Worth Girls: The Unsolved Missing Case of 1974 2

Many years passed, and in 1995 Rusty, Rachel’s younger brother, turned to private detective Dan James, who had been on the case since 1975 in his spare time. According to the detective, someone from their close circle of friends could have been involved in the kidnapping of the girls. This hypothesis sparked renewed interest in the case, and in 2001 the police reopened their investigation into the disappearance of three Fort Worth girls.

Unfortunately, the re-investigation also did not lead to results, and all versions again ended up in a dead end. Over time, the likelihood of finding an answer to the question of what happened to the girls became less and less. All this time, the parents and relatives of the missing girls continued to seek truth and justice without losing hope.

The case of the mysterious disappearance of girls from Fort Worth is still one of the most discussed and strange cases of disappearance in the history of the United States. Without sufficient evidence, witnesses and a clear picture of what happened that day, the police and the families of the missing girls remain in the dark, and the case continues to attract public attention.

Over time, this case has become a legend, and many residents of Fort Worth are still wondering about the fate of the three girls who disappeared without a trace back in 1974. Perhaps the answers to all questions will remain unsolved, and the story of the mysterious disappearance of the girls from Fort Worth will live in the hearts of people and continue to excite their imagination.

To be continued…

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