1. On Christmas Eve, noisy and mischievous children decorated the Christmas tree with gold and silver apples, toys and many spices. On all the branches, like flowers or buds, hung candied nuts, colorful candies and all sorts of sweets. In the evening, the parents of the family, when the children were already sound asleep, laid out Christmas presents for each child under the Christmas tree. To every boy and every girl. And their mother and father had them…
Attention, questions!
My daughter has many sisters, and she has as many brothers. Each brother has twice as many sisters as brothers. How many sons and daughters do I have?
Dear readers – how many girls and boys did this wonderful family have?
2. Once, in the family of a city official, a cat brought four cute kittens. A few weeks passed quickly and it was time to give names to the tiny gallows. The young hostess put her children in a circle and each of them was holding a kitten. After a long agreement accompanied by screams, meowing, snoring and children’s laughter, the family made the final decision: the first kitten – a boy, named Ryzhik, the second – the girl was nicknamed Fox, the third baby, also named the girl Murka, and the fourth … Dear readers , and especially those who have four-legged friends living at home, try to guess an unusual riddle. What was the name given to the fourth kitten?
Attention, questions!
The mother kitty gave birth to four kittens: Ryzhik, Lysychka, Murka and … What was the name of the fourth kitten.
Dear readers, especially those who have four-legged friends living at home, try to guess an unusual riddle. What was the name given to the fourth kitten?
3. Once the hostess of a nightclub got a mouse in the barn. Before long, the elderly woman bought three cats from a neighbor and ran into her house. In 3 minutes they caught 3 mice, but there were many more mice. And then the hostess thought – how long does it take 10 cats to catch 10 mice?
Attention, questions!
Three cats need 3 minutes to catch three mice. How long will it take 10 cats to catch 10 mice?
And you, dear readers, can help the hostess to answer questions?
4. In some kingdom, the chief sage established new mathematical rules, according to which half of the five is not 2.5, but 3… Of course, not all subjects understood it, and for this reason, in a solemn atmosphere, in the central square, the preacher announced to all royal decree: “Whoever can find the answer to the next task will be exempt from royal taxes, the term specified in the correct answer!” And you, dear readers, will be able to answer it?
Attention, questions!
Half of 5 is 3, so 1/3 of 10 …?
5. When have you not encountered a situation where you were counted in a store, diner, gas station? And our friends who visited the restaurant were clearly deceived. We offer you to understand and help us find the ruble to restore justice. Successful investigation!
Attention, questions!
One day, three friends paid a $ 30 restaurant bill. At the same time, everyone paid $ 10. The waiter accepted the money, but the owner said the restaurant was offering a $ 5 discount. The waiter gave each of his friends a dollar, and the remaining 2 dollars were given to the waiter as a tip. Then $ 9 from each is $ 27. But 27 + 2 = 29 dollars! Where’s another dollar?
The answers are in the next article.

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