Revealing the secrets: dark sides of world geniuses

Revealing the secrets: dark sides of world geniuses


Without geniuses, the world wouldn’t have been the same, as it is now. One man of genius can change history, create amazing art, or just do things other people could only dream of. But the irony is that they balanced their talent with rather cruel acts.

The editors of agree that all people have weaknesses, but these great minds seem to have risen to a new level.



He was a genius in the field of mathematics and classical physics.

Achievements: Isaac Newton is, without a doubt, one of the greatest scientists of all time. He managed to invent calculus, find out the nature of gravity, and discover the three laws of motion. Most of us would probably give up science and enjoy our glory, having discovered at least one of the laws.

The man is accused of anger and revenge.

Do you know whose name was “erased” from Newton’s books? Due to animosity and rivalry, Robert Hooke almost disappeared from science. Historians say that he was a brilliant scientist, and one of the biographers called him “the English da Vinci.” Hooke and Newton argued about whether light is a particle, and this debate has turned into strong enmity.


The situation escalated when Newton went public with the theory of gravity and the law of gravity, which Hooke had previously worked on. He shared his research in a letter to Newton. Naturally, Robert suggested that he deserves his share of fame and recognition, but no. Newton wasn’t going to share anything, and his hostility grew into hatred.


After the Hooke’s death, Newton, as president of the Royal Society of Sciences, destroyed all instruments, papers, and even a portrait of the dead. That’s why the collection of society has images of all its members, except one.



He was a genius in the field of electrical and radio engineering.

Achievements: He became the patron of science, the “father” of electricity, and the idol of many. His predictions about the future were so true that many think he had the gift of prophecy. Despite this, we hope that he was completely wrong in one of the theories.

The man is accused of eugenics.

Eugenics is the doctrine of the selective breeding of people to preserve the most healthy, beautiful, smart, and to eliminate imperfections.


Tesla was sure that eugenics would be popular by 2100.

1935 – Nazism is gaining momentum, and Tesla writes predictions for the Liberty magazine. In one of them, he suggests that humanity needs to “stop making” handicapped persons. It did a good job in the past thanks to the survival of the fittest, but people have become softer, and “less desirable strains” should be eliminated.


Tesla approved the sterilization of criminals and crazy people in some areas. He was sure that it was necessary to control the marriage, so that only good people paired with each other. By the way, Tesla was never married.



He was a genius in the field of information Technology.

Achievements: Apple’s creator has a huge list of achievements and discoveries. By the time he became the brain for the most popular electronics of recent decades, a computer genius could hardly find a common language with anyone.

The man is accused of being a bad friend, a bad boss and a bad father.

When Steve was young and worked for Atari, he was given a lucrative job. Instead, he forced his friend Steve Wozniak to make a project and lied about a cash reward. Wozniak received only a small percentage of the fee.

Steve Wozniak STEVE JOBS

Once Jobs decided that the employees were working too slowly on the project, so he burst into a meeting with such a stream of offensive language, which we won’t dare to repeat. Working for Pixar, he fired people without notice and severance pay. At the interview, Steve could ask a potential employee if he was a virgin and even worse.

STEVE JOBS his daughter Lisa

But Job’s main failure was being a really bad father, because he disowned his daughter Lisa. The girl led a life on welfare, and the businessman owned millions. But we have cool phones, right?



He was a genius in the field of global politics.

Achievements: Not many people deserve to become the face of the national currency. Winston Churchill became the face of a 5-pound banknote and was called the greatest Briton of all time. He was a brilliant leader in wartime and played a decisive role in the victory over the Nazis. Oddly, Churchill’s views are strikingly similar to Hitler’s.

The man is accused of racism, which caused millions of deaths.

Churchill was a class A racist. Since he had a lot of power, his racism killed millions of people. This happened when Great Britain ruled India, and Churchill hated the Indians. He called them “monstrous people with a brutal religion.” In time of dearth, he exported a huge amount of rice, which would help the starving, and even rejected offers of assistance to India from other countries. As a result, about three million people died.


When he had power in Kenya, he created concentration camps in which people were beaten, raped and castrated. He favored the use of toxic gas, but only against residents of the Middle East.



He was a genius in the field of visual arts.

Achievements: Picasso is one of the most famous artists who have ever lived. His style of “cubism” has changed contemporary art.

The man is accused of being a fervent woman-hater.

“He needs the blood of those who love him.” No, this is not a slogan for the emotional drama about vampires. This is how Pablo Picasso was described by his granddaughter Marina. She said that the psychological destruction of close women was part of his strange creative process.

Picasso himself had no scruples about these views and officially called women “machines for suffering”. He made his wives and children financially dependent on him. When Marina’s parents broke up, he kept her and her alcoholic mother in poverty to teach a lesson. It turns out they were lucky. Among seven significant women in the life of Picasso, two committed suicide and two lost senses.


Being one of Picasso’s women meant watching him sleep with others and treat you like garbage. He divided the women into goddesses and fools, and it seems he liked to turn the former into the latter.



He was a genius in the field of music and singing.

Achievements: Frank Sinatra became extremely popular on stage thanks to the velvet voice, but truly terrible things happened outside the stage. He could flush with anger in the blink of an eye and beat everything that was in the wrong place at the wrong time

The man is accused of having a wild temper.

He hit a reporter, but managed to hush up the conflict and the charges. At the Beverly Hills Hotel, Sinatra threw a telephone at a businessman and broke his skull. He nearly killed his wife Ava Gardner, throwing a bottle of champagne into her so hard that it broke the sink in the bathroom.


In fits of anger, Sinatra destroyed an ungodly amount of things. He cut a famous painting by Norman Rockwell, threw the TV out of the hotel window, and smashed the priceless Ming vase in a Hong Kong hotel. That’s what happens when you get too used to do everything your way.



He was a genius in the field of drawing comics.

Achievements: Frank Miller is considered one of the greatest comic book artists of all time. His work turned the field that was once considered to be only for children into a full-fledged art with works such as “Sin City” and “The Dark Knight Returns”. Unfortunately, controversy also followed Miller throughout his career.

The man is accused of sexism and racism.

In his comics, Catwoman turns from an experienced thief into a prostitute who is beaten by men. In “Sin City”, almost all female characters are described as sexual objects for men, and Wonder Woman in his vision isn’t a very intellectual character.


But more horrifying is Miller’s graphic novel, “Holy Terror”. This is a work about a white superhero who kills Muslim terrorists in New York. Many critics saw him as anti-Islamic propaganda.



He was a genius in the field of psychoanalysis.

Achievements: Mental illness has always been a delicate subject. At that time, such problems were solved by a standard procedure, imprisonment in the walls of a mental hospital. The idea of ​​saying everything that worries the mind was actually Freud’s revolutionary psychological idea.

Yes, he seriously believed that sex was the root of all problems. His theories aren’t perfect, but it’s better than connecting a patient to a car battery, hoping that an electric shock will make the brain work properly.

The man is accused of being addicted to cocaine and using strange methods of treatment.

The problem with the new science is that it’s almost always an experiment, and errors can occur. Freud had many bugs in his project “How does the brain work?”.

The Victorian era was remembered by the “Female Hysteria” epidemic. So one patient of Freud described paralysis of the limbs, hearing and language disorder, loss of consciousness and hallucinations. Today, doctors would recognize this as neurological dysfunction or epilepsy, but Victorian treatment involved talk and lots of cod oil. So it was like trying to fix a broken computer by beating it with a hammer.


When Freud could not treat patients with conversations and hypnosis, he claimed that they were hiding something and used a kind of torture. The scientist pressed his fingers to the patient’s forehead and asked him to tell what image appeared in his head. Patients answered something so that the doctor would stop.

And “icing on the cake” is cocaine treatment. With a sincere intention to help, he advised a colleague and friend cocaine as a way to treat morphine addiction. It’s the same as extinguishing a fire with a termite containing gasoline. Freud’s friend eventually died of drugs.



He was a genius in the field of modern theoretical physics.

Achievements: Einstein must be on any list of geniuses. He was magnificent and discovered tons of new science. Let’s recall E = mc2 and leave science aside.

The man is accused of being terrible husband.

The one person who didn’t seem to idolize the scientist was his first long-suffering wife, Mileva Marich. Einstein’s correspondence with Marich showed that he was cruel to her and their two sons. After the first family discord, Einstein sent his wife a list of rules that she had to follow in order to salvage a marriage.


She still had to wash clothes and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, which he ate alone. His house should have always been clean and his wife had to leave it any time he wanted. Only Einstein decided when to have intimate relationships. Sons weren’t supposed to hear a single rude word about daddy. It wasn’t surprising that Mileva left her tyrant husband.



He was a genius in the field of neurobiology and neurophysiology.

Achievements: A graduate of the University of Madrid, Jose Delgado, received a prestigious professorship at Yale University. He studied the brain during normal life-sustaining activity and pathologies using implanted electrodes. In general, he worked on the control of consciousness.

The man is accused of animal and human torture.

At Yale University in the 1950s and 60s, Delgado inserted electrode implants into the brain of primates and used a remote control that emitted radio frequencies so that animals could perform complex tasks. Later, he inserted an implant into the brain of an angry bull, who was sent to the bullring against the scientist. Using a transmitter, electrical stimuli made the animal dodge the bullet. The unique shots of that experiment have been preserved:


But the most disturbing of all the experiences was the one with connecting 25 people. In fact, his device influenced the aggression of people, but he sought to control the mind. The scientist loudly declared terrible things: “We must control the brain electronically. One day, armies and generals will be controlled by electrical brain stimulation. ”

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