ABBA guitarist Lasse Wellander dies

ABBA guitarist Lasse Wellander dies


ABBA guitarist Lasse Wellander has died. He passed away at the age of 70 on April 7th. According to his family, the cause of death was cancer, reports the Independent.

ABBA guitarist Lasse Wellander dies 1

A statement from the musician’s family said that Lasse fell ill with oncology, and the disease began to progress rapidly. The guitarist died surrounded by his loved ones early in the morning.

Recall that Lasse Wellander joined the ABBA group in 1975, he took part in the recording of 24 songs of the group. He has also worked with the band on all of their albums, including Voyage, which was released in 2021. The musician also released several solo albums, participated in the creation of the soundtrack for the musical “Mamma MIA!”.

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To be continued…

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