Actress Ashley Benson became a mother for the first time

Actress Ashley Benson became a mother for the first time


The star of “Pretty Little Liars”, actress Ashley Benson and her boyfriend Brandon Davis became parents for the first time. She shared the news on her Instagram page.

The actress published a photo in which the baby is holding her finger.

Actress Ashley Benson became a mother for the first time 1

Earlier, as an insider reported, the actress did not want to announce the news of pregnancy before the birth of the child. No one knew how pregnant she was. But already in September she began to wear loose clothes and also avoid photo shoots.

Actress Ashley Benson became a mother for the first time 2

Recall that Ashley Benson and the heir to oil tycoon Brandon Davis began dating, it became known in January 2023. A few months later, the lovers announced their engagement.

To be continued…

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