Actress Emmanuelle Debever committed suicide

Actress Emmanuelle Debever committed suicide


French 60-year-old actress Emmanuelle Debever died tragically. She committed suicide by jumping into the Seine River on December 7. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actress committed suicide after an investigative documentary about Gerard Depardieu’s accusations of sexual harassment and rape was aired on television.

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In this film, the actress testified, claiming that she was a victim of harassment by her colleague. So, in 2019, she said that she experienced violence during the filming of the film “Danton.” It came out in 1982.

When the actors were traveling to the set together, Depardieu put his hand under Emmanuelle’s skirt. He tried to grope her. But then the actress did not allow the worst to happen and fought off her colleague.

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The actress wrote this:

“This monster allowed himself to enjoy himself enough during filming, taking advantage of the solitude of the carriage. He stuck his fat paw under my skirt…”

As Emmanuelle said, he did this so that “she would feel better.”

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Gerard Depardieu was first accused of rape in 2018. But then the prosecutor’s office closed the case due to lack of sufficient evidence. In September of the same year, actress Charlotte Arnold filed repeated allegations, and as of 2023, 13 women have accused the actor of harassment and rape. He himself claims that sexual contacts with them were by mutual consent.

To be continued…

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