Jennifer Aniston suffers from insomnia and sleepwalking for years

Jennifer Aniston suffers from insomnia and sleepwalking for years


Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston in an interview with People spoke about sleep problems. She admitted that she has been suffering from insomnia for many years, and constant lack of sleep greatly affects her figure and brain function.

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The star believes that the problems began around the age of 30, or a little earlier. But when a person is younger, the effects of lack of sleep are invisible. But then you realize that this affects the work, the brain and even the physique.

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Jennifer Aniston admitted that when she can’t sleep, she constantly looks at her watch and considers how much she won’t be enough for quality sleep. And the more she worries about it, the more difficult it is for her to fall asleep. After several nights without sleep, she even sleepwalks.

For a long time, the actress did not go to the doctors, but then she realized that she herself could not cope with this problem. She started to really struggle with it. At the same time, Aniston noted that you need to monitor nutrition, sleep well and exercise. These three components are impossible without each other.

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Recall that earlier Jennifer aniston admitted about other health problems. She was offended by the assumptions of fans why she did not want children. She also noted that no one who judges her knows about her from a medical point of view and whether she can even have children.

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