How male seahorses can get pregnant and have offspring

How male seahorses can get pregnant and have offspring


Male seahorses become pregnant and give birth. They have a pouch on their belly in which they can carry babies. Up to 2000 pieces are placed there at one time. Pregnancy lasts from 10 to 25 days, depending on the species.

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The reproductive process begins when the male and female do their pre-dawn dances, interlocking their tails and swimming together. The courtship and marriage ritual are quite beautiful, and the foreplay is long. A traditional courtship dance can last up to 8 hours. The candy-bouquet period ends with the female laying her eggs in the male’s pouch.

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Scientists believe that the mating dance is needed in order to synchronize the movements of both animals so that the eggs fall into the pouch exactly when the female is ready to lay them.

A pregnant father takes care of the young, preparing him for life at sea. For example, it regulates the salinity of the water in the bag. When the tiny seahorses are ready to be born, the male undergoes muscle contractions that expel the fry.

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If during the bearing of the father of seahorses they do everything possible so that the cubs are born, then after the parents are not interested in their fate. Tiny offspring do not receive any care and protection. They drift in ocean currents and are endangered by predators.

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