Full moon August 12, 2022: astrological forecast for the zodiac signs

Full moon August 12, 2022: astrological forecast for the zodiac signs


The last Full Moon of the summer comes on August 12th and brings big and unexpected changes for every sign of the zodiac. For some, this will be a period of progress, acquiring new knowledge and skills, someone will get insight and an answer to a tormenting question, and for someone, the time they will devote to rethinking their priorities and making decisions for the future. Read on Joy-pup how the Full Moon will affect all zodiac signs.


You will have to make some difficult decisions related to your job. Many Aries will quit their jobs or be forced to end a collaboration that has long fallen short of your expectations. Friendship with loved ones will be strengthened, and love relationships will rise to a new level.


During the Full Moon period, you will travel more than usual. You will be attracted by distances, meeting people you have not seen for a long time, and on one of these trips you can even get the opportunity of a great job.


This is the period when you will come across some truths that have been “hidden under the rug” for a long time. You will realize that you are responsible for some unpleasant situations that have already happened. You will have to rethink some moments in life and face habits that do not bring benefits.


The full moon in August helps to resolve any disagreements with your loved one. You will also succeed in business – if you have been in the red so far, everything will change for the better.


This is the time to pay off old debts. Everything you’ve been running from will now come face to face. Be brave and decisive, bite the bullet and solve the remaining problems in all areas that have been weighing you down for a long time.


Use the Full Moon period to get your emotional life in order. Do not expect your loved one to yield to you in everything, somewhere you will have to sacrifice your beliefs. This is a good time to look for work if you are unemployed.


You will solve all problems in family relationships, even those that last for months, or maybe years. You will be patient, but at the same time determined.


You will have great support from friends and colleagues and superiors, so you will achieve great results in the business field. Some Scorpios will decide to turn their hobby into a business that will bring them regular income.


As long as everything is in order in the financial sector, you will easily be able to repay debts and earn money “for a rainy day.” But you will be disappointed in the family environment. You will learn a secret that family members have been hiding from you for a long time, and because of this you will feel very offended.


Now is the period in which you must change everything that does not suit you, that holds you back and stifles you. If it’s the end of a relationship or marriage, you’ll get over it a lot easier than you thought. If this is a layoff, then a new job will be found very quickly. If you want to change your appearance, the result will be very successful.


Try to relax and find peace of mind. You may have made illogical moves in the past, and you may regret it now, but there is no going back. Focus on the future and don’t deviate from your plans.


The mistakes you have made in the past will force you to change your priorities. It will be difficult, but if you do not do it during the Full Moon period, you will have to wait a long time to get another chance. Now is the time to put yourself first and not see it as selfish.

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